Facing facts

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old man : so your the one I've been seeing in my dreams .

sabre : yeah . so i'm gonna head on out now 

old man ; wait don't you want help .

sabre ; not from a lunatic old man who lives in a cave .

old man ; your father would be disappointed if you didn't stick with what you believe sabre .

sabre : what did you just say .

old man : you father -

sabre : no no no no not that . did you just say my name .

old man : i know everyone's name .

sabre : alright say i do believe you . how would you help me .

old man ; let me show you .

* sabre * 

 the old man got up and walked out of the cave and down the mountain i followed behind .

old man : what do you think i live in a cave for .

sabre : uh i don't know because you crazy . he smacked me with a stick .

old man : wrong it gives me time to think . which is what you need to do .

sabre ; i don't think a cave and loneliness would help me think .

old man : did i say i was lonely . when was the last time you thought carefully about anything or sat and talked to yourself .

sabre : okay well simple .  i talk to myself all the time . about uh .

old man : thats what i thought if a man has no time to think to himself eventually  he won't be himself . 

Sabre :what .

old man : think back of all the horrible things that have happened in your life  .

sabre ; i don't want to . i usually just shut them out . the weather had changed to rain and thunder , but the old man stayed standing where he was not moving until i answered .

old man : look at this meadow . isn't it pretty .

sabre ; well yeah it is .

old man : now take this and drink it .

sabre : its just a bottle of water . i drank the  contents of the bottle it tasted like  lemon juice and alcohol . 

old man : now think about life's terror .

sabre : i don't want to i don- my vision started to get blurry   and the old man said something and smacked me in the head with the oak walking stick and i blacked out again . why does this keep happening . i  appeared in a white area once again and the old man was standing in front of me .  you even in my dreams .

old man : these are not dreams sabre these are your memories . follow me .

 sabre : where are we going all i see is a door . we walked into the door ad i instantly regretted it because i saw my mother cornered by two guards . noo . no !  why did you bring me here !

old man : you have to over come this fear .

sabre : what . mom . i walked towards my mother and the old man laughed .

old man : what happened to big old strong sabre now .

sabre : be quiet . you don't know me i can  handle myself i know what i'm doing . i walked closer to my mother . 

old man : you need to over come the past and focus the future sabre . or you'll never get them back . recognize where we are now .

sabre : no . not here ! anywhere , but here ! you just made me relive my mother being taken if you make me relive my father's death i'm giving up .

old man : the only direction you can go is forward not back .

sabre : * crying * please don't make me relive this .  if . if you could see my past you would know how painful this is for me and how much i wanted to give up to see my family one last time and you make me do this ll over again when i  tortured myself with these memories for eight years . you don't understand i would do anything to forget whats over there . i don't want to do this .

old man : its the only way to get through it .

sabre : okay .  i followed reluctantly behind the old man and caught sight of a Templar guard .  no i can't do this i just can't live through it again . i continued walking and saw my father dead and the guard holding a bloody sword . everything came back to me in an instant .

old man : okay now close your eyes and say its not your fault until you feel better .

sabre : okay . its not my fault .its not my fault .its not my fault .its not my fault . 

old man :now open your eyes . how do you feel .

sabre : where did they go .

old man : they left your consciousness . your father sure was right you do deserve to be next in line .

sabre : what  was that ,

 old man : uh nothing . its time for you to wake up .


??? : mister , hey mister . 

sabre : huh .what .

 ??? : you've been laying here for about an hour mumbling to yourself . whats your name .

sabre : oh uh my name's sabre  .

?? : nice to meet you sabre i'm shark ...

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