Mango's End

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sabre : are your men ready to go .

jamie : yes they are waiting for for .

sabre : okay . i'll go tell ryan .

jamie : sabre wait . thanks for saving me at the prison .

sabre : it wasn't a problem anything for a friend .

jamie : i know i doubted you from the beginning , but i .

sabre : but you what .

jamie : i care about you . i wish i had married you instead of shark . but i made a choice just like you did all those years ago .

sabre : oh i . i couldn't tell her how i felt about shark . so i told her the truth . i care about you to as a sis- just then ryan came in the door breaking up the awkward moment between me and jamie .

ryan : you guys ready .

sabre : ugh , yeah we're ready to go .


shark : hey sabre . we're all ready to go .ryan is just giving the men a pep talk .

sabre : okay ryan I've got from here .  Listen up men . this is for our freedom . the redcoats have been oppressing us for way too long .and remember they took this town once we will not let them take it again .we will take that outpost back . we once controlled that outpost . do any of you remember that . no . because it was such a long time ago that all  of us have gotten use to the redcoats taking over what we care about and controlling what we own so here today we will make our last stand . we will take the cannons and finish . you know what shark . just take it from here .

shark : the artillery squad will be with jamie . the rest of you are going to be with sabre, shark and i . do you understand .

jamie : wait why do i have to stay behind . i want to be with the rest .

shark : jamie you were just captured i'm not letting you get captured again . your staying with the artillery squad .

jamie : i don't want to stay .

shark : fine . 

sabre : commander your taking charge of the artillery squad the rest are with us . once the wall is breached follow through .this ends now .


sabre : look at the gates . you can see the redcoats knew we were coming . everyone get ready all hell is about to break loose .


sabre : who's firing hold fire . cannons are all loaded up on my go guys . light up . fire !

* cannons going off *

shark : the gates breaking everyone get ready .

sabre : lets go ! 


sabre : spread out check the out post for mango he could be anywhere . if you find him kill him on sight .

shark : got it .

* sabre * 

 i ran through the outpost past may dead bodies of soldiers . some redcoats and some mine .  i ran around the corner after a redcoat who had shot one of my trusty soldiers dead . we could spare no  reds at all . we all regrouped with the remaining soldiers we had left .

shark : everyone calm down . i think thats it for now .

sabre : i'm going to kill mango . you guys cover me .

jamie : alright . be careful sabre .

shark : don't die .


sabre : central out post is up ahead .


* sabre * 

 we ran inside of the building rushing every soldier inside . killing every red coat we saw . i saw shark get shot in the shoulder out of the corner of my eye . i ran over to stand in front of him to protect him from anymore damage . at last all of the enemies were dead on the bottom floor i was the first to walk up to the second floor to search for the general .  looks like no one is on this floor . uh oh . i spoke too soon .  i turned around to see a musket pointed at me .shark ran up the stairs and jumped in front off me taking the bullet for me . i sot the redcoat and dropped down to help shark . shark don't go man . its not your time . just stay with me . please .shark .

shark : its ... okay ...sabre ..

sabre : its not okay . your dying . and there's nothing i can do . 

shark : just .. just .. finish ..,. the job ...

* sabre * 

 ryan and jamie ran up the stairs to see what had happend and saw shark laying on the ground surrounded by his own blood .  shark . he took a bullet for me .  shark i -

shark : I've done .. my job ...i .. know ..

sabre : no , you can't die . please not now . don't leave me . your promised until the end . its not the end .

ryan : shark you stay with us thats an order .

shark : sabre ... it may .. not be .. you end ... but ...  its mine ...

sabre : please . its not the end . not yet . 

shark :   finish ...the .... job... and  . s-sabre ...i-i love you ...

sabre : i'm glad you held on til the end , shark . and i wanted to say i love you to .

shark : never forget wake .. up ..never forget .. to remember .. me ...

sabre : shark . shark . please . please .

ryan : sabre . he's dead . he's gone ..

jamie : where are you going .

sabre : all he wanted was peace ! he was forced to do stuff ! he was forced to kill ! general mango deserves to die ! and i'm going to kill him even if i die trying . at least i'll be with shark .

ryan : sabre . can i talk to you please .


ryan : you do realize that if you die you won't be with shark . you'll be with his great great grandfather . who died in his late twenties . as you can see . and you just made one hell of a show out there by saying you loved him . imagine what Andrew thinks about this right now . he can hear both of us . what do you have to say for yourself .

sabre : i'm killing mango now .


* sabre * 

 i ran up the stairs to the third floor where mango's office was . i was pissed off and ready to kill him . mango show yourself .

mango : do you know why i read books sabre .

sabre : no , why do you read books . * gun loads * . 

mango : because it helps me forget .

sabre : forget what .

mango : for get this . 

* gunshots *

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