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* sabre * 

 i opened my eyes . the sun was streaming in my window . my mother was calling me downstairs .i got out of my bed and got dressed and went downstairs .

mother : there you are sabre . you might want to hurry your father is getting ready to leave .

sabre : okay mom . you won't believe the wired dream i had . i was a pirate and i had saved my crew . and and ..

mother : thats great honey now go . your father is waiting for you .

sabre : but mo i hate going to the market .

mother : hey enough of that now your father has done a lot for us and for you . all he wants is to spend some time with his son at the market .

father : sabare . we don' have all day now .

sabre : fine i'm coming dad . okay i'm here let's go to the market .

father : what ? your not excited to go  to the market .

sabre : why do we have to go to the market we go to the market every day .why . why do we go everyday .

father : well son getting food for the house and supplies is very important . but its mostly just to spend time with you .

sabre ; we can spend time together outside the market .dad i don't understand i hate going everyday .

father : listen sabare . eventually i won't be around to go to the market with you or your mother . and your mother won't be around either . yer goin to miss these days where i would take you to the market and get you what you need .

sabre : okay fine let's go to the market .

father : come along it'll be fun i promise .

sabre : i hope .

father : come along sabare . feel the air of the market . hear the ambiance of the sounds of the horses and cattle .

sabre : its just a market dad . its the same old market we go to everyday .

father : same old market . look around you everything is different every single day .

sabre : what do you mean . i see the same stuff i see everyday .

father : you may see the same structure , but these are fresh vegetables, fruits , and cheese . these are new people everyday that we see . new stories to be told everything is in a constant state of change son .

sabre : sure dad sure .

father : eventually sabare you will understand what i see and when that day come everything will change around you . come along now let's look around now shall we  .

sabre : okay .w hat do we have to buy today anyways .

father : we have to buy apples , and soup .

sabre : okay apples and soup .

father : very easy . since you so eager to get home .

sabre : yes i am .

father : now son i must ask you a very important question .

sabre : yes dad .

father : green apples or red apples .

sabre : i don't really care . it doesn't really matter .

father : of course it matters son . the textures are so different in the  flavor which would you like . red apples or green . i'm making you decide this time .

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