A new weapon

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sabre : ah . my head is killing me . oh come on .he really had to knock me out geez .

girl : hey mister . are you alright ?

sabre : uh , yeah .i guess .

 girl : your pretty cut up in the head there . let me take you to the medicine shop .its not far .

sabre : i should really just g-

girl : no i insist .come on .

sabre : alright .


girl : oh . i'm Jamie by the way .

sabre : oh my name's sabre nice to meet you Jamie .

Jamie : nice to meet you too . so . um are you new around here .

sabre : uh . i mean technically i was born here .but for the past year I've been across seas . but so much has changed . i mean whats going on with this king i saw protesters and everything .

Jamie : uh . this king is  absolutely terrible he doesn't even care about this place nor the people . its just he's so reckless and careless .

sabre : what .we should probably do something about that .

Jamie : no kidding . oh we went the wrong way .

sabre : i thought you knew where we were going .

Jamie : oh i do its just over here .

sabre : okay .


sabre : thanks for the help .

Jamie : yeah no problem .so anyway I've got this friend who's got some insights about what the kings plans are an what he's doing . we're having a meeting tonight do you want to join us ?

sabre : alright . are you sure he won't mind .

Jamie : he's a pretty cool guy for the most part . i'm sure he won't .


Jamie : hey nick .

nick : oh hey . who's this .i thought you said you were coming on your own .

Jamie : he's my friend .

 nick : i don't even know who he is . you can't just come in here and surprise me like that back up .

Jamie : its okay .

nick : what . what . just back up .

Jamie : its okay you can trust him .

nick : how do i know if i can trust him i just met him .

sabre : i can leave .

Jamie : no sabre its fine .

sabre : hey we're here to talk about the kind and we're going to talk about the king and try to fix this mess of a city . he pushed Jamie to the edge of the rushing water behind her . i took out the strange weapon i woke up with this morning and accidentally killed nick . Jamie looked a me surprised .

Jamie : thanks . whats that thing ?

sabre : i don't know .

G: well done sabre .

sabre : huh . oh man you again . what do you want now .

G : the names ghetto . i'm the man who gave you that weapon .

sabre : and the one who kidnapped me last night .

Jamie : you were kidnapped ?

ghetto : we simply needed to talk is all .

sabre : well you could have just simply said that man .

ghetto : trust is a mission we all have now a days . i only trust  in the brother hood .

sabre : the brother hood of what ?

  ghetto : assassins ... 

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