Fighting lucas

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i found a dagger laying on the ground next to a dead civilian . he didn't need it anymore so i took it . moments later a guard passed me and i killed him . i still had no idea what was going on . did a fight break out between the civilians and templars . i realized i had the bottle of lemon water that the old man had given me the day he made me relive my night mare . i drank it again and passed out . waking up in the familiar white room my father waiting for me . dad ?

father : yes son . what i must know is what do you need here .

sabre : i'm stuck . i don't know what to do . i need your help . i was back stabbed dad . i don't know who i can trust or rely on . i don't know where to go or who to ask help from.

father : listen sabare .

sabre : what .

father : you need to calm yourself .

sabre ; fine .

father : now i must ask you . have you truly let go of your past .

sabre : well i . i talked to the old man that you led me to . he walked me through the old past memories and i'm pretty sure i'm over it . i mean i just don't know what to do next .

father : listen son . i've been watching and i don't think you have . son what i'm trying to say is what do you see at the end of all of this . what is what your really looking for .

sabre : what your saying is that i'm getting too complicated over this . obviously yeah . i guess i am . i do want the templars rein to end .

father : then why are you so stressed about it . why can't you reach the goal .

sabre : i don't know i tried to get to all these different people so many different times and i just-

father : son . you need to think simply . 

sabre : i'm trying dad . in just wish i could have you back .

  father :  i'm sorry sabare . i wish i could be there , but you need to face this yourself . i hope to see you again soon . goodbye sabare .  

sabre : goodbye dad .


* sabre * 

 i woke up on the ground where i had passed out from the lemon water .  i ran the way to shadow's old hide out and  and took all of the powerful weapons left behind . in the process of searching i had found a secret note much like the one i had found before i read it in disbelief .

( a/n : i'm going to just go ahead a put screen shots up instead of writing it out .)

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* sabre * 

 there was a third entry hidden somewhere  . i had to leave it for now and go find Lucas. i need top end this . i  snuck past the tempalrs who were in  fighting mood and carefully made my way to the main fortress where i was forced to kill three other guards . i searched the large building until i came to a room where a guards was talking to Lucas .

Lucas : you've been letting em down this whole time and  all you had to do was take the money and you get captured by one guy .

Templar : well it wasn't one . it was two . two men . they clearly had training and they both  caught me by surprise. they guy in green stabbed em in the back . it still hurts by the way . and the other killed two of my men .

Lucas : so two people down three men left .

  Templar :  actually one left . 

Lucas : well i still noticed you were the one who gave the location of my sister  to him in the first place . okay this is what your going to do . your going to take your guards and your going to go back to the prison you were taken in  and investigate for any clues you can find on this guy , because he is the main priority right now . we can worry about the other one later . how could this get any worse . 

kate : oh Lucas .

 lucas : oh god .

 kate : i'm leaving .

lucas : what .

kate : i'm leaving .

lucas : in the middle of a battle .

kate : yes .

lucas : you know what don't day i didn't warn you .

kate : okay fine . peace .

Lucas: what is happening these days . what . your still alive . or course you are . guards !

sabre : huh . classic classic lucas and the templars . always so weak to fight for them selves why don't you just fight me yourself . 

lucas : i'm getting really really tired of the creed's luck .but that luck is going to be run out .

sabre : look i don't know what creed your talking about . but i'm here for you and only you . 

lucas : guards . just kill this guy .

sabre : what !? i saw an arrow come form a high window and kill two guards standing next to each other . i took the chance and killed the remaining ones . Lucas looked impressed , but scared . i saw shark and spency perched on the windows . aiming bows and arrows at lucas . what ? shark !? spency !?

spency : we've got your back . finish the job .

sabre : listen lucas . now i don't really like to brag , but it's kind of obvious your guys are kind of awful at their jobs .now give it or and maybe i'll spare your life .

lucas : we . we can work this out you know . you want money or anything . i have money .

sabre : i'm not interested in compromises now that you mention it . i'm interested in your life .

lucas : my life .

sabre : yeah .

lucas : yeah right .

* sabre * 

 lucas ran out of the room and spency and shark jumped onto the floor . you guys need to give me an explanation to all of this .

shark : yeah yeah yeah . go !

* sabre * 

 i ran into the library where lucas was lighting everything on fire . what are you doing .

lucas : getting rd of everything you need .

sabre : all i need is to get rid of you .

lucas : no . these are documents of all the people taken prisoner all the people removed from their families .

sabre : so what . thats no reason why i shouldn't just end you .

lucas : but there is . you do know someone that missing . and i'm the only one who knows where they are .

sabre : who are you talking about .

lucas : your mother sabre . don't you miss her .

sabre : my mom is alive ...

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