Old Faces

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* sabre* 

 i walked through the fort eventually escaping back into the main town . i heard the second in command of the guards talking to someone and walk away i quickly changed back to my normal clothes and followed after him. i turned to see him and another guard talking again  i stayed quiet and listened .

Lucas : grey made a mistake that day . when they cut the  old man's head off they should have just killed the boy right then and there .

    guard :  i agree . what did they do to him after .

Lucas : i believe they let him go and sent the new guard jamie after him . they played cat and mouse for a week until jamie lost his tracks . i'm going to  talk to the commander right now . maybe we can sort this out .


* sabre * 

 i jumped onto the wall and into the fort he had gone into . i climbed onto the roof and broke a hole in the roof quietly jumping down on the rafters . Lucas and grey directly below me .

Lucas : you never take me seriously . i told you we needed to kill the boy when we had the chance but you didn't listen to me . and then you send jamie after him .

 grey : quiet .you insolent fool you've been nothing but a hindrance to me . you are lucky i even allowed you to stay this long , but you  are seriously testing my patience .

Lucas : i'm testing your patience ! i followed every command for the past five years .

grey : do not speak unless you are spoken to Lucas . you are lesser than me and you will always stay that way . you are and always will be a weakling Lucas .

Lucas : weakling . you call me a weakling .

* sabre * 

 i watched in shock as Lucas stabbed grey and grey started bleeding  very badly .

Lucas : we're no different . in the end we just get taken down by someone . i was followed through everything .

grey ; you'll never get away with this .

 Lucas : of course i will. i'll just blame it on the assassins .

grey : at least you did learn something . now finish it . 

* sabre * 

 Lucas killed grey and i started freaking out i jumped back onto the roof and tried to run back to the wall and fell down onto the stone brick path and lost consciousness . i was in a white area and my father was standing in front of me . was i dead .

father ; sabare . its been awhile .

sabre : its been eight years since you were killed by the templars how is this even possible .

father : this is all in your mind none of this is real .

sabre : but dad .

father : sabare listen .

sabre ; i'm sorry i'm so sorry the last thing i told was i hated you .now look at me . i'm lost i need you and mom .

father : sabare your my son and i'll always love you .  you were young .

sabre : but if i had just listened to you none of this would have happened none of it .

father : don't live in regret sabare .

sabre : i just don't know what to do dad . I've lost everything . whats the point .

 father : do you believe in the greater good of this kingdom and its people sabare .

sabre ; of course i do .

father : then not all is lost . as long as you believe in something you will never lose a promise . 

sabre : well where do i start then .

father : there's someone  who can help . you just have to do one thing first .

sabre : what do i have to do .

father : remember who you are and what you are meant to do . 

sabre : what . dad . wait what does that  , mean .

father ; all will come together in time sabare . you just have to wake up ...


* sabre * 

 i opened my eyes and noticed i was surrounded by mountains and lakes . i was in the middle of nowhere . i ran up the side of the mountain and fell into a cave an old man was sitting in it . he noticed me and talked .

old man : I've been expecting you sabre ..

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