the league of silence

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* sabre * 

 i ran back to the hide out and the secret door was open i could hear the sound of flames and went down into the large room everything was on fire . i searched for my friends and anyone who survived . i looked for twenty minutes until i came to the training area the sand pit surrounded by a wall of fire and in it three gravestones  all with names . sabre , spency , shark . on mine was a book labeled for me . i picked it up and began reading it . 


" we are free . we can see a fire within thee .

   we are a league , not a creed .  we are silent 

   words are not spoken  , but justice is taken .

   we are above your pathetic games . we've seen you.

  you stole one of ours he lurked in the shadows .

 sound familiar . now we will take what is yours . 

~ league of silence "


sabre : the league of silence ? what does that even mean . i threw the book into the fire and left the burning hideout . as soon as i went outside i ran into the old man . shark's father .  old man what are you doing down here i thought you never left your cave .

old man : we gotta go . we're out of time . i never saw this future

sabre ; what do you mean you never saw this future .

old man : shadow !

sabre ; shadow ? he's dead . besides how did you know him .

old man : no time these people are out of my sight . 

sabre : what . okay listen i need to ask you something . i went into the hideout a few minutes ago and spency and andrew were gone . all that was left was a note talking about something called the league of silence . 

old man : are you telling me my son is missing !

sabre ; yes pretty much .

old man : what !!

sabre ; chill . chill out !  i still need something else answered . do you know of something called the league of silence .  the expression on his face turned from worry to fear and all the color he had left had been drained .  he ran down the street and left me behind . i found my self back in the hideout . this time in it's library tearing through each book in stock .  searching for an answer of any kind . i was mad enough that i chucked the book across the room and it hit the wall . when it did the wall made a hollow sound . out of curiosity i picked up a wooden chair and hit it against the wall.  when the chair dropped in the wall i saw a hole . it was just big enough for me to see a hidden room . i broke down a small entrance to the room and went inside the was a large map in in lining the wall opposite the entrance . i looked at the map and saw the kingdom .  i suddenly hear a quiet voice behind me almost a whisper .  i turned around and saw another one of the people wearing the gold lined grey cloak .  he was a lot younger than me . almost spency's age . 

???? : sabre you're searching too narrow .

sabre : who are you and why are you whispering how did you know my name. and i am not searching too narrow .  the quiet whisper suddenly turned harsh but was still quiet to where i could barely hear it .

???? : sabre ! look at the wall !

sabre : its a map of the kingdom . 

???? : the other wall . the map of a land that is new . a world that is unknown .  the maps will determine how far you will go to save the ones you love . what is your choice sabre are you willing to seek new lands . 

sabre : what? i turned around and the strange person was gone . i reminded myself of what he had said .  how far will i go to save the ones i love .  am i willing to seek new lands . new land? was it possible he was talking about the new world . i left the hideout once again and walked to the docks where a ship was loading supplies . i saw the captain standing on the dock giving orders to her first mate .  she had long black hair and wore leather Armour and a red dress . 

captain : um , hello .

sabre ; hi . i was wondering if i could have a moment of your time .is there any chance you're going to the new world .

captain : yes . we're loading up to go there now .why ?

sabre : can i join along the journey .  i uh . i have some family i would like to visit . 

captain ; sure , but first you'll need to change into more appropriate clothing .

sabre : i guess i am wearing a lot of heavy metal .but its fine i'll go change and be right back . 

captain ; what's your name . 

sabre : my name . i said the first name that came to mind keeping mind that if i said my real one i'd be arrested .  Sean .

captain ; okay Sean . the ship leaves in an hour . be ready or be left behind . my name is captain jess .

sabre ; okay . um thanks for everything captain jess . 

captain ; no problem Sean . 

* sabre * 

 as i got changed in the crew quarters of the ship one of the crew members pointed out a  scar on my back . 

??? : how did you get that scar ?

sabre :  oh . that . it was a work related accident a few months ago . 

??? : you don't have to lie to me mate . i know Katie gave that to you .  i'm jay .i'm glad to know another fellow assassin is on board . 

sabre ; what the hell . how come i never met you before . 

jay : i've been here on this ship . how's the creed sabre . 

sabre : terrible . everything is gone . that's why i'm on this ship . my friends were taken by the league of silence . 

jay : best of luck . i hope you find them . if you need any help . you know where to find me . 

sabre : i'll remember that jay .i thought about spency and andrew as i got  into one of the bunks . i thought about how the last thing i said to them was i never wanted to see them again . now i won't rest until i find them ..

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