mom's in danger

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my horse had stopped abruptly and threw me off into the sand . in front of me was the prison my mother was held in . i spotted inmates being taken in and ran to join up with them hoping to sneak in like that . i followed for awhile until a guard was behind me and i   stopped to kill him and hide his body ,. i turned the corner the inmates went by and saw a hanging corpse of on of the inmates . they killed him . i had to make a distraction so the girl could run . once i did she ran to to escape and hid in a corner as guards passed her . she ran and got out of sight . i found my mother's records . cell #36 bottom floor underground . colleen rosini . my last name was Rossini ? i never knew that . i jumped down onto the sandy floor and ran to find the cells .

guard : get back here !

sabre : die ! i found the below ground cells and searched all of them . i found one  that had guards blocking the bridge to .  oh hey guys . just came by to pick up my mom . you wanna move . no okay goodnight . they all took one arrow to the head and fell off the bride down into what seemed like nothing . i opened the doors of each cell all which were empty until i found one with a lock on it . i had the key because i had killed the guard who was carrying it . i opened the cell and a woman was sitting on the floor drawing in the dirt .  mom ? is that really you . mom . * crying * . i missed you so much mom . dad was killed by guards in the market and i ran home an d the house was on fire . i-i thought you were dead .

mother : sabre . you've grown up so much .

sabre : i missed you .mom .

mother : i missed you to .

sabre : . i'm going to get you out of here .


sabre ; hey did you lock this .

guard : yes .

sabre : open it back up .

guard : no .

sabre : mom go around this corner and wait for me . you don;t have to see what i have to do . no one deserve to see what i have to do .

mother : be careful sabre . 

sabre : i will mom . i placed the TNT i had brought with me along side the wall and lit it . the explosion echoing through the cavernous prison . i ran into the hallway . and killed other guards as they kept coming down the stairs .  eventually the guards stopped and i called for my mother she came over to me and followed me up the stairs and to the surface . i blew up the wall with the left over TNT . and me and my mom ran into the desert . she got on my horse and waited as i ran back to the prison . i got back to my mom  and talked to her . hey mom . every one and i mean everyone who has ever done you wrong is going to get what they deserve . starting with this prison . i had found the prison's Armory where they had stored their explosives and lit them on fire . the prison blew up in a cloud of smoke and ash .


sabre : alright mom we can go talk to spency and shark . but i don't know if they'll help me or not . i don't really know who to trust at this point , but they're the closet  we have to being able to trust . they should be in this church here . wait . try not to make a sound . i listened to what shark and spency were talking about .

spency : we have to kill him  . he knows too much .

 shark : once we find him . yes we'll kill him , but we'll have to figure out what he knows first of all .

spency : quiet . someone is  here .

sabre: mom run to the hide out .  she ran to my hideout which was two streets from here . and i walked into the church like i had just gotten there . hey shark . hey spency .

shark ; oh . h-hi sabre . we have some bad news . lucas escaped we don't know how .

spency ; sabre .  do you want to tell us something .

shark : why do you have sand on your boot .

spency : is everything alright .

sabre : everything is just fine ...

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