Losing hope

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*sabre *

i shot up in my bed startled by the thunder outside . the same nightmare in three day span .i'm never going to be able to get over this .  i caused this . i must have fallen asleep while getting rid of any evidence linking me to this place . might as well head to the market to get some fresh food . i continued to take any evidence and found an old chest with a note in it . i took the not and read it .

"  Entry 1 : after thoroughly examining the evidence that there will be possible betrayal . i have decided to begin writing journal entries .to ensure the proper rights are handed down if i am to disappear . ~  Tree of life . ~ Antonio ."

was Antonio shadow's real name . i never knew what it was because he never told me . what does that even mean . the proper rights are handed down . it might be important . so i kept the note . i went to the market and wandered around for about talking to myself . the same old market only a few things have changed this place still doesn't bring the greatest memories . i stopped by a produce stand and the sales person talked to mew about apples .

salesperson : may  interest you ion some fresh apples sir .

sabre : uh . i don't know . yeah i guess sure .

  salesperson :  well i don't know if i want to sell you these apples with your attitude . 

sabre : i'm sorry I've just had a rough past few days . these past four days I've gone through quite a bit . you know how it is sometimes your just not really enjoying your day . how much are the apples .

  salesperson :  i'll tell you what this apple is on me . 

sabre : what are you sure . thanks .

salesperson : the sun rises everyday my friend , but if you hide behind a wall all you see is darkness .

sabre : i don't know what that means, but thanks for the apple . i walked away from the produce stand and out of the market thinking about the past events .  i could swear i head footsteps so i kept looking behind me . i knew what i was doing . i was baiting the guard . i  aimlessly walked into a dead end . and the guard jumped off the nearby roof behind me thinking i didn't notice her . and in a clear voice i spoke . if your here to end me just do it . fast please .

guard : how did you know i was coming .

sabre : what are you talking about i saw you the second i walked into the market perched up on the ledge like that you think i wouldn't see that ,.

guard : well i mean .

 sabre : maybe your stealth skills need a bit of practice .

guard : okay listen here buddy i don't need advice from a little lowlife peasant like you . my skills are perfectly fine .

 sabre : yeah , whatever . i walked past her and she followed me .

  guard :  hey didn't you here me . i'm here to kill you . so don't bother trying to stop me , because i will .

sabre : does it look like i'm trying to stop you . i'm not trying at all you want to do it then do it .

guard : well uh . i mean i expected you to fight back or struggle or something .

sabre : well yeah after people like you getting into my life i have nothing left . so you know what  i lost my parents and my close friend and mentor because of people like you . the templars . it doesn't really matter if i die or not . i don't care I've had enough .

guard : your no better than the templars . you try to kill people just like them .

 sabre : look i don't need to hear any of this from you .

guard : wait . wait .

sabre : what .

 guard : how are you not scared  i want to turn you  into a dead man . i'm going to kill you .

sabre : i'm already dead ! do you not understand that . so do what ever you want alright because of you and those other so called peacekeepers in this land I've lost everything i cared about everything i held dear to me . alright i have nothing i don't care about these possessions alright . i lost everyone that cares about me  . so do whatever you want alright . just do it and stop talking . yeah thats what i thought . your all the same . you think your so tough , because your master promises to keep you safe . do me  a favor  when your actually ready to do the job you let me know alright !


* sabre * 

 i continued to walk at a fast pace back to my hide out . after i had left the guard speechless . i noticed my hideout's door was open i climbed down into it and the guard from before was sitting in the chair in the corner .

  guard : hi there .

sabre : what how did you get down here before me .

 guard :  i guess i'm better at this than you thought huh .

sabre : what do you want just stop wasting my time . if your gonna kill me just kill me .

  guard : okay listen i did some thinking and i can relate to you in an odd way . 

sabre : yeah , yeah , yeah , oh look i feel your pain . i don't care I've heard it a thousand times before . get out of here or do what you need to do .

 guard : listen i get your feeling this right now, but like i said i can relate to you in a little way .

sabre : just get to the point okay .

  guard :  i have a idea . but i have to make sure you don't do anything stupid before the idea comes together. 

sabre : well okay i don't think i really want to believe you . I've gotten lies from so many people like you now get out .

    guard : i'm just trying to help . just believe me okay . oh and sorry .  

sabre : sorry about what .

    guard :  this .  

* sabre * 

she hit my head against the wall and knocked me out . i knew i shouldn't have trusted her. i woke up in a prison cell and waited for someone to find me . i waited for an entire week until the guard came back .

    guard :  hey .  

sabre : you put me here ! I've been siting in here for over a week .

    guard :  i needed to make sure you didn't do anything stupid while i get the idea going .  

sabre ; well i never agreed to that idea nor did i ever agree to working with you together on some plan . fine if i'm stuck here tell me the plan .

    guard :  okay the plan is that we need to-  

    guard #2 :   jamie . i need you assistance please quit messing with the prisoners .

  guard :  yes sir .


* sabre * 

 i had noticed the guard left her key behind or at least dropped it . i reached my hand through the metal bars and grabbed it and whistled then another guard came by i unlocked my cell door and knocked out the guard and changed into the uniform . again this time with their own weapon ...

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