PRANK WARS (logan pranks you)

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I woke up this morning and decided that today would be the day when i prank Y/N that i had been planning for a while.

I would be asking her about having a baby and just for the vlogs saying that i'm at a loss of content and having a baby would provide me with a lot of content. I WOULD NEVER DO THAT IN REAL LIFE THO...

So i woke up and started me vlog, Y/N was still sleeping and told The Logang about my prank.

It was around 11 that Y/N woke up, we went to eat some breakfast and came back. After breakfast she went in our room to do some work on her laptop and I decided that it was time.

So I set the camera in my room while she was in the bathroom, and went out.

After about 10 minutes I went in our room and saw her sitting cross-legged on the bed with the laptop in her lap.

                  ( Without Shoes)

THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE WEARING                  ( Without Shoes)

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I then asked her 


L: I want to talk to you about something important.

Y/N: yeah, go ahead (she said while looking at me)

L: can you keep the laptop aside for a second?

Y/N:What is it Logan? You're scaring me. (she said while keeping the laptop aside)

I then sat down infront of her.

L: you know that how i have been dealing with loss of content since a few day.

Y/N: Hmm

L: So you know I was thinking you know  if......

Y/N: If what Logan ?

L: If we could have a baby, you know you're pregnancy will get me a lot of views and content of course.We can like film everyday of it and you know show a cool transformation about how much you're belly has grown.....(i was about to say more when Y/N interrupted me)

Y/N : Wait wait wait, you mean to have a baby just for views  and content?

L : Uhmm, yeah..

Y/N : Have you f*cking lost it Logan. Do you even know what you are saying. You cant just go around have a baby just to get some bloody f*cking views. (she said while screaming a bit)


Has Logan lost it. He is asking me to have a baby just for views . WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM.

I put my face in my hands just because of all the tension, how could he even think of it. Having a baby is not just a one time thing, it will stay with us forever and he also knows that we are not ready to have a baby.

Logan then called my name asking me to look at him. After a second i did look up at him. 

When I looked at he i noticed something, what was it. 

YES, it was a camera behind him, that's when it all came to me.  He was playing a prank on me. UUHHHH  I AM GONNA KILL THIS IDIOT. Now you see what i do to you're prank Mr. Logan Paul , i thought.

Logan was about to say when i cut him off, "You know what you're right we should have a baby, after all it would be for the Logang. And we're 22 so we're eligible to become parents."i said seriously and calmly. O GOD THE LOOK ON LOGAN'S FACE HAHAHAHA. I COULD NOT CONTROL MYSELF SO I BURST INTO LAUGHS. THE REACTION ON HIS FACE WAS PRICELESS.

HE WAS STILL LOOKING AT ME WITH WIDE EYES.So to clear his doubt i said "I know you're pranking me you idiot" then i waved at the camera.


Oh Sh*t , how did she know? " Since how long do you know"i asked her."When i looked back up at you i noticed the camera behind you, so i put things together  " she replied " OH NO " was all that i could say. "But in reality i could've wanted a baby right now" i asked her." No, you would'nt have cause we both know that we first want to get settled and then have a baby" she replied.

"UUGGHHHH, you know me too well babe" i said and she just smiled at me. With that i ended the vlog calling it a FAIL PRANK. 

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