CHEATING (part:2)

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It has been 4 days since  Logan and I broke up. He tried to call me many times but I never picked up or texted him back. He has been making vlogs but I don't watch them complete because every time I start crying after just watching just 10 seconds of it.

Today I'm going back to his house to get my stuff. I don't have much of it there since I have my own apartment. So, I called Brendan to make sure that Logan wasn't home.


Logan and I were filming a vlog in the backyard when I got a call from Y/N.

Logan asked me who it was and I told him that it was Y/N. "Pick up and put it on speaker" he said.

Logan has been broken and sad since the second  Y/N broke up with him. He didn't make vlogs for 3 days but then got back to it. He laughs in the vlogs but we all know that it's fake. The second when the vlog ends he becomes quiet and goes back to his room.


Brendan:Hey Y/N. Where have you been? You okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine Bren, just needed some space.

(Her voice was  hoarse, as if she hadn't talked in a long time. And just by her voice you could also tell she that had been crying as she was continuously sniffling.)

Brendan: Okay. We all just miss you.

Y/N: Ya, I miss you guys too. Bren, is Logan with you right now?

Brendan: I looked at Logan for an answer and he shook his head no. So I replied with a no.

After a long pause she said.

Y/N: Uhm, how.. is he?

Brendan: He's sad, stays in his room most of the time.

Y/N: Ohhkay. Is he home right now, I actually wanted to come and take my stuff.

Then looked at Logan for an answer again and his shook his head no again, so I replied.

Brendan: Uhm.. no he isn't home right now.

Y/N: Okay, I'll just stop by and take my stuff.

I then felt sad that Y/N was leaving us.

Brendan: Y/N, please don't leave us, we already miss you. Please just talk to him for once. 

She then interrupted me.

Y/N: I'll be there in 5.

She said and cut the call.

 I then turned to Logan only to see him in tears, I just couldn't see him like that or even Y/N. Both of my best friends splitting up. The most that I can do right now is to comfort him so that's what I did, I just hugged him and let him cry.



I arrived at Logan's house and parked my car outside the gate and out of habit I straight away went inside, when I reached the door and opened it halfway, that's when I realized that I should've rung the doorbell as it's not my house anymore. But since the door was halfway open Andy saw me and said "Hey Y/N"

Y/N: Hey Andy, how are you. I said smiling.

Andy: I'm fine, you? He asked while hugging me.

Y/N: I'm also fine.

Andy: Y/N, Brendan told me that you were gonna come here to take your stuff, I don't want to interfere in your matter, but just please don't leave him Y/N, this house doesn't feel the same without you.

Y/N: I just need some time alone, to think and to see where my love for him went wrong.

Andy was about to say something after that but I just started walking towards the stairs into mine and.....into Logan's room.

I opened the door of now his room and went inside and picked up my suitcase.

Just as I picked it up I heard the locking of the door, so I turned around and the person whom I saw shocked me cause he wasn't supposed to be here right now.

Logan just stood there by the door, that's when I noticed his appearance, he had dark circles under his eyes due to the lack of sleep and he just looked exhausted.

I then just turned around and started packing, that's when he walked towards me and took the bag out of my hands and held my forearms and turned me. So that now I was looking at him.

 "Logan let go" I said through gritted teeth feeling all my anger come up that I had stored since the day I saw him on top of that b**ch.

Just as I said that his hands left my arms and he lifted them up in the air as if he was surrendering.

Logan: Okay, I just wanna say that I'm sorry Y/N for whatever happened that day. I..I don't know how it happened. I..I wasn't thinking straight and I truly am very sorry about it. Please take me back I don't know what to do without you. You're my everyt--

Y/N: Logan, please just stop. Just answer this one question truthfully.

He nodded his head, telling me to continue.

Y/N: Why didn't you respect me enough to not go around and almost sleep with another woman. Why didn't you respect me enough to just stop after you realized what she was trying to do. Why Logan why? Where did my love lack for you or was I just not enough.

Logan: Y/N you are more than enough for me. I don't even deserve you, not a single bit. I swear we weren't going to do anything Y/N. 

Y/N: Ya sure, like I didn't see you on top of her. 

He went silent, just stared in my eyes.

Y/N: I bet you didn't even realize what date it was that day.

Logan looked at me confused, "wha.. what was it?"

Y/N: It was 16th January, our one-year anniversary Logan.

All  I could see was shock written all over his face. His mouth hung open.

Logan: I..I'm so so very sorry Y/N. How, how could I forget that Oh My God, I'm the worst boyfriend ever. Who makes their girlfriend cry on their one-year anniversary.

Logan said in tears and turned his back towards me cause he doesn't like it when people see him cry.

I then continued packing my bags and finished quickly.

I noticed Logan sitting on the floor. I  went towards him and sat in front of him and said "You were a great boyfriend Logan, you always took care of me and made me realize that I could also  be loved. You told me that I'm beautiful when I clearly refused to accept it. You made me the strong woman that I am today. And I hope that I also did bring some good changes in you, but I need a closure Logan, so here we go. f**ked up and pretty bad at that. So, thank you for coming into my life, but I don't think I can trust you anymore. I love you and will always love you but I can't be with you anymore. I'm sorry."

With that said I kissed his forehead and left.



I wrote this one a while back, that's why Brendan's still in it. I just made a few changes to it right now.

hope you all are doing well and stay safe.

Logan Paul Imagines ♥Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα