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Please watch the vlog before reading if possible



I was in the kitchen, ready to go for work, when Logan came up to me while vlogging.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked him while sitting on the stool chair.

Then he came and sat on the stool beside mine and faced me.

"You remember, I told you about getting my brain scanned?"


"I'm about to go" he informed me while looking down.

"You scared?" I asked him politely.

"To be honest, yes very." He lifted his gaze upto me.

"Do you want me to come?"

"If that's possible then sure, of course".

"Okay, I'll join you and tell the doc aaall your truths" I then stood up.

"Ayee, don't tell him the fact that I'm a complete douchebag"

"Don't worry I will" I said and smiled at him which he returned.


Logan just parked the Yeti and while getting out he said "Oh god this is nerve wracking".

"It's gonna be fine" I said and hugged him.

He held he tight for a while, "I'm glad you're here" he said and kissed my head.

Then we went inside and sat with the doctor. There he asked Logan a few questions and then asked him to sit in a scanning machine so that they could have a 3D picture of his brain.

He then laid on it and they gave him a blanket.

Out of the blue Logan asked "Can I hold your hand?"

"Huh" I replied as I was not paying much attention to Logan, was just listening to what the doctor was saying.

"Can I hold her hand" this time he asked the doctor and he said "sure".

I then walked towards him  and held his hand and kissed the back of it.

After the scan was over we went in a room where the doctor told Logan what was wrong with him. Logan sat on a chair in front of the doctor and I stood behind him, my hands on his shoulders, making sure that he knows that I'm here for him.   

( Let's ignore the part where the doctor talks about relationships and stuff)

"Are you doing anything you shouldn't be doing?" the doctor asks Logan.

When the doctor asked him that, Logan looked at me first and then at the doctor  and said, "I drink, a lot yeah. I drink like once a week but when I do, I go hard". I then slapped his arm after the answer.

"Alcohol is not your friend.... .... ......"

After telling the effects of alcohol on the brain, the doctor looked at me said "You're his girlfriend, right?" and I nodded "Since you both are in this together, I want you to make sure that he doesn't drink till his brain fully recovers" and I replied with an "Okay, sure".

"She'll take good care of me" Logan said to the doctor.

When the doctor began talking about kids not knowing much about head injuries (at least, I think that's what he was implying at), Logan replied saying "When we have kids, we're gonna make sure they know, like how dangerous football, American football is" while pointing towards me.


We came out from the office and went towards the Yeti.

"That was stressful as f**kkk" he said while looking at me.

"It was fine, you were just worried".

"80 hours of sitting in that thing, that's freaking stressful".

"He didn't say to do it in one go, we can take our time".

"Oh God, you have the answer for everything"

He then pushed me gently on the car door and hugged me tightly, his face squished in my neck.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine" I said during the hug.

"Oh God, I Love You so much" he said while unwrapping his arms from around me.

" I Love You too, my little extra blonde boy" I said while implying to the fact that he had just gotten  his hair color lighter and smiled at him which he returned.

"Can you drive, I just feel like sitting and staring at you" He asked while pulling the keys out of his pocket.

"Say no to the Yeti. Never" I said and took the keys out of his hands and got in.

While driving back home, Logan slept the whole ride, let's just say he did not sleep last night because he was stressed about the appointment.

Logan Paul Imagines ♥Where stories live. Discover now