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"At least we know that you're single" Mike says.

"Well I did'nt say thaaatt" I said confusing them.

"By the way, Mike here likes you very much. He's been talking about you all day" Spencer claims.

"Aww. How old are you though? you look older than these two" you asked Mike while pointing at Logan and Spencer.

"Are you into old dudes" Logan askes while looking at his laptop.

"Well no, I don't think so. I'm definitely not into younger boys. But for the old age, difference of maximum 5 years is it but ---"

"Oh noo" Mike interrupted me "I'm 34, I'm like 10 years older than you" He said and made a sad face.

"You interrupted me, I was going to say that it also depends on the person's personality" you said and lightly smiled at him.

"You might have a chance Mike" Spencer says.

"So are you single or not?" Logan asks while looking at me.

"At the time Yes" I replied.

"What type of guy are you looking for?" Logan asks.

"Wellll, the person should have a good personality, a healthy lifestyle---"

"What about appearance?" Mike asks.

"Well, I'd put personality above appearance but I'd like my man to be a little taller than me and be healthy. Wait, he should also definitely be a good driver ."

"Wow that's nice, wait how old are you?" Mike asks.

"I'm 23"

"You're a year younger than me" Logan says and I just smile at him.

"You are beautiful, so why aren't you dating anyone and I'm sure that men must be throwing themselves at you" Logan asks.

"But having a bestfriend like that might be a problem" Mike says commenting about Stephen again and you just laughed at him.

"First of all, Thank you for the compliment. And as far as the dating is concerned I'm done with boys. I'm done playing all those games, now I just want a man who is serious and not playing games. "

"Wow, you really are a woman, like not in a bad way but a good way. Like an independent woman. " Mike said.

"You have a private instagram account." Logan stated.

"What?" Mike said and looked at you with shock.

And you just nodded.

"Wow  you really aren't playing " Mike stated.

"I wanna see your instagram can you accept my follow request. If you want to..." Logan said.

"Yeah sure" you said and picked up your phone from the table, opened instagram and accepted his request.

Logan then began surfing through your feed on his laptop. "Can I show a few pictures on the screen?" Logan asked.

"Yeah that's fine"

"Wait, why do you have a private instagram account? Like there's nothing wrong with that but you're gorgeous, a few million followers never hurt nobody", Mike said.

"Well I'm not a model anymore so my career doesn't depend on it, and I am a private person. I like to keep my friends, family private since there are many photos of them on my account" you replied.

"Why are most of the pictures in Britain and Barcelona. Why not LA? You live in LA right?" Logan asked after pulling up a picture from my instagram page.

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