THE Q and A

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So today Logan has asked me or moreover forced me to make a video with him answering some questions asked by the Logang.

So here he is setting up the camera while I'm sitting on the couch.

"Okay, you ready?" He asked.

"Yup" and then we began recording.

"Ayyo, Logang, was poppin", he then introduced me and told about the Q and A we are filming.

He then took out his phone and began reading a question.

"Y/N why are you not in the vlogs, we Love you and hope to see you more and love ya both #yourshipname"

"Yes Y/N, why are'nt you there in the vlogs" Logan asked mocking me.

"Well, I am just busy with work and stuff,  but I'll try to be in the vlogs more, if you guys want me to. And we love you too."

All the time Logan was staring at me while I was answering the question.

"Next question, When is your annual anniversary?"

"13 December" we both said at the same time and smiled at eachother.

"This one is for Logan, Maverick or Y/N" I asked.

I am curious to know the answer of that one. Then Logan looked at me and said "Y/N for sure"

I was so surprised by his answer and my mouth hung open, he then just laughed at me being surprised and kissed my cheek.

"Moving on"

"Who's more messy? Y/N or Logan?

"Well, let's just face the truth here, Logan does make a lot of mess but does clean it after some time where as I try to make least mess as possible because I don't clean it." I said.

"She never ever cleans the mess that she makes, like i have to tell her at least 5 times." Logan said.

"Well, let's not denay, that is true, but at least I try not to make any." I defended.

"Next question, when are you guys getting married? #yourshipname"

"We have not talked about it yet as we are still settling down" Logan answered.

"This one's for you Y/N, who is your favourite friend out of Mark, George and Andy?"

"Ooooo, that's a hard one" Logan said looking at me.

"Wellll, let's just say those 3 are equal to me but if I had to ever choose I'd choose George cause I have know him the longest and I met Logan through him only. But I do also Love Andy and Mark."I answered.

"Next question, When was the last time you did the thiinngg" Logan said while expanding the 'ing'.

I hid my face behind Logan's back after realizing what the question actually meant and Logan just laughed at me.

"Yes, Y/N when was the last time?" Logan asked mocking me.

I then came out from behind him and looked at him, my face all red and heated.

Logan then came near me and pecked my lips then kissed my forhead and put his free arm around me so that I hid my face in his chest.

"She's so cute, Oh God, we won't be answering that question since it's something private and should remain between us two". After saying that he kissed my head.

"Moving on, do you guys plan on having kids together"

"Well, I do, do'nt know about her but I want kids with this girl right here" Logan answered while I was still hiding my face.

"Come out babe, they wanna see you."Logan said to me and I did what I was asked to and looked at him and said yes, answering the question.

Logan looked at me shocked and said while looking at the camera and then back at me"Guys this is the first time that Y/N has mentioned of having kids and especially with me".

He then kissed me again and said " I love you" and I replied with an "I love you too".

"Are you also close with Jake, Y/N?" Logan asked while reading the next question.

"Well, I'd like to answer that one even if it's for Y/N, Jake and her are like really very close you know like best friends she cares so damn much about him,  no space for jealousy here, like the other day Jake came here and the second he entered all he wanted was Y/N, like I asked him what's the deal, he would just say nothing but when she came to him, he just hugged her and let all his emotions out, so Yeah I guess Jake and Y/N are very close"
Then Logan looked at me and smiled and I did too.

The whole time when Logan was talking I was just staring at him like I couldn't help it.

"Okay guys I guess that's enough for today, I hope you enjoyed this video and........................"

He completed the outro and then shut the vlog.

"Well that was a good video" He said and began staring at me.

"What" I asked looking at him.

He then out of the blue, grabbed me and kissed me hard, so that now my back was on the couch and him on top of me, let's just say things got a little heated.

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