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"So what are we going to do, I know we've got this sneaking around down to perfection, but your going to be discharged soon" she spoke in hushed whispers.
"Oh mate hey" the tall skinny smart looking boy called as he made a bee line for the bed.
"Oh miss didn't expect to see you here" he took in her relaxed appearance.
"Oh well bringing me work even in here" Jacob groaned.
"Arh Miss that's super harsh" Alex looked at her with disbelief.
"Look mate go get yourself a drink, let miss explain the work sheets then I'm all yours" Jacob smiled.
"Sorry I didn't know he was coming" Connie apologized standing up, I'll go".
"No neither did I he hasn't been all week, sorry to have put you on the spot" he frowned.
"It's fine, text me later, and I'll pop back I've got shopping and things to do anyway".
"Okay, I'll look forward to it" he winked.
She stood up as his friend reappeared, "good to see you Jacob" she smiled kindly.

"That was weird Miss was here" his friend chuckled.
"I know right, but as she brought me in she was just checking on me, plus we've got these exams looming not that she will give me a break. I mean they are months away like a few weeks will matter" he faked a groan.
"Arh well I chased her out for you, although won't harm your cred, she pretty hot" he laughed,
"Yeah  True She is fit, but not much fun having your teacher visit so cheers mate" he grinned suppressing his annoyance at his timing.

"So you alright" he asked moving to sit beside him, "Yeah Im on the mend".
"So you Be Out soon?" Alex asked moving to pick the grapes from the table.
"Yeah under a week I think" he nodded.
"What even happened. First we heard you'd been taken in the ambulance, we wanted to come see you sooner, but we were told you were pretty ill and to give it a few days".
"I'm okay, still a bit sore but I'm getting there, I was saying i needed a few days rest".
"Well you live in the library recently" he scoffed.
"Yeah well, exams and all that" he shrugged.
"Who did you have a fight with anyway?" He asked putting his feet up on the bed.
"Oh some guy, doesn't matter, teach me to drink too much" they chatted for about half an hour, idle chit chat the most he'd really spoken to him for a while. "look mate I'm grateful  you came but I'm exhausted" he yawned sleepily.
"Yeah sure mate, text me and I'll come  and visit again, glad your alright" he offered cheerily, "feel better" he called as he headed to the exit.

"Come back I miss you" he typed pressing send to Connie's number.
He was surprised as she appeared round the side of the bed, "What you doing here" he grinned.
"You messaged me" she laughed,
"Yeah but you said" he began looking up at her.
"I know but we were cut off I made it to the car before heading back in, I was waiting for him to leave in reception.
So where were we?" She grinned moving her hand to clasp his.

"Oh i hate being in here, you do know it's been a week now since we were properly alone" he groaned looking at her intently.
" I don't know what you mean" she winked
"You know exactly What I mean Connie" he groaned, "I miss being with you, it's unbearable the better I feel the more it frustrates me I'm stuck in here" he groaned.

"So I was chatting to Leon they think they may release you as early as the day after tomorrow" she offered happily, "really, that would be great, and who better to look after me than you".
She chuckled sitting back more comfortably , "Well here is where we need to work out a strategy" she eyed him seriously.
"I'll speak to mum tonight, now you going to shut the curtains" he moaned tugging in her top.
"Do you think of nothing else" she grinned, "Hmm not when your this close to me" he confessed.

She couldn't help the flutter in her stomach as she pulled the curtain and leaned across to meet his face. Their mirrored smiles as their lips almost touching, his hand moving to sweep her hair from her face with such a delicate action.
"Hmm don't tease me" she whined, as he pulled her closer his mouth catching to her hers eagerly.
She grinned against his lips as his hand slipped under her top and across her breast, "someone's definitely on the mend" she smirked kissing him again.
"Oh don't I can't even wank in private" he beamed at her shocked expression. "I've explained what you do to me, being in here doesn't change that believe me". He pulled her hand across the sheets watching her eyes widen as she felt how hard he was.

"Jacob" she gasped as he moved to kiss her again bitting her lip seductively, "Hmm oh god" she hissed feeling her own desires for him undeniably rising.
"The ward is busy, someone will see" she moaned pulling away.
"You could offer to take me to physio"he waggled his eyebrows at her eagerly.
"You didn't say you have that today" she questioned him her brows furrowed.
"Well I was distracted, anyway they said it would depend on when I could leave. I have to be able to walk a small distance and sit down myself without the pain being too much before I can be discharged.
I didn't think I was ready it hurts a lot, but the thought of being home with you I think I might just manage it" he flirted.
"You can't rush it"she argued.
"Connie I hate being here" he sighed.
"I know well, don't over do it we will see how physio goes and go from there okay" she offered calmly.
Her hand moving to his gown, "oh Connie don't tease me" he grumbled lying back his eyes closing softly.
"Wait here" she grinned leaving him feeling empty and pouting in her direction.

"Hey Leon can i take Jacob down to the gardens for fifteen minutes before his physio, I'll bring him back on time  i promise" she asked flirtatiously.
"He's lucky to have a friend like you, go on then" he nodded.
"Jacob we can go for a walk outside before physio" she winked at him as he cottoned on, "oh great I need some fresh air so badly" he nodded moving the covers away carefully but quickly as she helped him into the wheel chair.
"Please tell me your taking me somewhere more private than the gardens" he groaned pulling the blanket across his lap.
"Oh yes!" She whispered into his ear grinning, as she headed for the lift.

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