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"Can you believe her" he sighed,
"I think she's just scared Jacob, you saw the state of her. She was terrified I'd rung him" she spoke maturely.
"So why won't she leave him, why did she choose him over me' he sighed.
"Sometimes we do things we can't explain and then we can't change them" she sighed.
"Like the moment we first kissed, I couldn't explain how it felt and I couldn't change it once it had happened and look what happened after that. If I had been thinking clearly I'd have stopped it but I couldn't it just happened. Sometimes that's true for good things and sometimes it's for the bad, things happen we just have to go with it make the best of it.
In a messed up way this mess was my benefit, I have you by my side and I'm back here and I've never been happier. Sometimes the heart chooses our path for us" she sighed leaning into his chest."sometimes we need a nudge, so this is me nudging you" she smiled.
"You've changed your tune thought you hated her" he sighed wrapping his arms around her.

"I hated the way she treated you but seeing her now like this I feel different. She may have made some mistakes but she's scared and maybe she's just too scared to find a way out now. She's still your mum and she is still pregnant with your little brother, and I know your too much of a wonderful man to turn your back on her. After everything she has and hasn't done for you your still here, still caring" she spoke softly muffled into his chest.

"He did that didn't he, this is what I was scared of. That I would leave and he would hurt her. Why won't she see that and leave him, she let him scare me for years but even with everything she lied and protected him and she made her choice. Part of me wants to say get lost, I don't need you" he raged.

" But you do need her, whether you admit it or not" she smirked rubbing her hands across his biceps.
"You know you're very lovely" he smiled wearily.
"Hmm not sure who else would agree, have you noticed I'm not making many friends here" she sighed.
"Well thats because your doing that don't mess with me I'll crush you glare. And the few people I've seen you with seem to be terrified but efficient I've also noticed you seem to like it" he chuckled.

"Maybe a little, working at the school i had to reign it in but here I can just say what I think. I'm not out to cause trouble but I'm a big believer for If you do something do it properly. In a hospital often there aren't any second chances I need people on their game" she finished justifying herself.

"Look Con dont tell me I get it, even as a teacher you managed to get us to do work no other teacher did. You demand the respect that you deserve and make people work to the best even if you have be to scare them to do it. I get it, I personally find it rather sexy so absolutely no complaints here"he smirked moving closer to her.
She took a step back, "behave you" she laughed.
He pouted moving to slide down onto the sofa, "You Okay if I go back to work, I'll pop back in when I can" she offered he nodded.
"Suppose" he grunted pulling out his phone, "I'll be as quick as I can" she leaned down to kiss him feeling herself linger before pulling a way and reluctantly leaving him alone.

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