Love vs Lust

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Sitara's Grandfather house..

No one's pov..

Shekar- Sitara's dad

Sudha - Sitara's mom

Jamuna- Shekar's elder sister. Elder to all of the three..

Vidyan -Jamuna's son

Kumar- Shekar's elder brother

Jagan- Shekar's younger brother

Appa- father of Shekar and other 3.

Amma- mother of Shekar and other 3.

Nirmal - Kumar's son. (6 months elder dhan Situ.Situ and Naveen will be together always like pencil and tip..)

Conversation as...

Shekar- appa , I am not here to get her explanations. Neither me nor Sudha had not beat Situ even once. But how could she do this.

Jamuna- Leaving that, now come to important matter. Give ur daughter in marriage to my son..

Shekar- How many times I should tell u that.... Situ will marry Arjun.. that's final.

Appa- Shekar, they r not our caste.. Sitara and Vidyan is getting married.. its my decision.. if u don't agree, then u won't even get a single rupee from my property..Shekar.

Shekar-  well Said Appa. I didn't expect this from you. I am not that cheap to spoil my daughter's life for ur property. I don't want ur property. I will sign all those papers..

Kumar- Shekar, wait don't get angry. Will talk..

Jagan- Yeah Anna(elder brother) wait..

Amma- all keep quiet..Sudha its all because of u.. this alliance is from ur sister's side that's why u r so interested in this..

Shekar- don't accuse Sudha.. u always do this amma..

Jamuna- yeah we should not speak about ur innocent wife and so innocent daughter (sarcasm)

Shekar- don't talk anything.. I will come along with Situ tomorrow and sign all papers..
Come Sudha let's go..

Shekar and Sudha left for home..

They both want to pick Situ, Shekar called Arjun.

"Uncle we r in Moon Ray restaurant. Situ is eating, We will drop her uncle " Arjun told.

"Ok Arjun thank you" Shekar told.

Situ came home. She was so tired because of so many reasons.

"Ma, pa I am going to sleep. I can't even open my eyes.."

She slept...

Next day

Sitara's pov

"Situ, Situ, get up dear." My ma woke me up.

"Maaaa" I whined.

"Situ I know u r tired but we need to talk.. get up" ma told and went.

I got up and looked at the time..

It was 10.30 in the morning... Oh god I didn't speak to Arjun for past 14 hours..

I looked at my mobile.. its battery is dead..😧😭😭😭

I went out and looked for my ma's mobile..

"Maaaaa where is ur mobile" I yelled

"It is with pa. I gave him yesterday, still I didn't get back. Now why r u asking that" my ma yelled from kitchen

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