Child {Hakuyuu X Reader}

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A Hakuyuu x Reader one shot!

The incident about them wouldn't happen in this chapter, I forbid sad endings but I'm trying to write angst but not in this chapter.

By the way, Hakuyuu and reader-chan has a child in this one shot.


[Y/N]- Your Name

[L/N]-Last Name

[E/C]-Eye Color

[H/C]-Hair Color

Please enjoy~


It certainly wasn't the best for Hakuyuu and [Y/N], sure they have a time together but it got ruined when Gyouken suddenly appeared out of nowhere and made them do something.

"Can you take care Hakuryuu for me [Y/N], Hakuyuu? I know the both of you have been busy of taking care of Hiroto, but both of you wouldn't mind to take care the little Yuu Yuu. Won't you?" Gyouken said, her black eyes gleamed in excitement as she watched her daughter-in-law picked up the eight year old Hakuryuu.

A small smile appeared on [Y/N]'s face as she high fives with Hakuryuu, only to see Hakuyuu frown in confusion.

"You would never let us take care of Hakuryuu unless you're planning on something...." Hakuyuu said, his brows scrunched up together as he eyed his mother suspiciously.

Gyouken just laughed at her son's vivid imagination before waving her hands together.

"I'm not planning on anything, it's just Hakuren and Hakuei has been a pain lately. I need them to learn how to concentrate properly since they are growing up like you, I need to go. See you later, Hakuyuu, [Y/N] and Hakuryuu." The three of them watched as Gyouken gleefully skipped throughout the Kou palace as she hum a song along the way.

Hakuyuu just sighed and shook his head while looking at his little brother Hakuryuu.

"Hiroto is sleeping, Hakuryuu is responsible enough to behave." Hakuyuu stated.

The [H/C] haired woman only smacked his head making him yelp in pain.

"What was that for!?" The light blue headed male exclaimed as he covered his head.

[Y/N] only shook her head as Hakuryuu snuggled his head on [Y/N]'s shoulder.

"Hakuryuu may be old enough to know what is and what not and Hiroto is sleeping, but that doesn't mean we have to leave them." She exclaimed, her free hand flailing in the air.

[Y/N] continued to lecture him about not leaving the kids alone when they are inside or outside the palace, Hakuyuu just stared at her with a dreaming face as he admired how she lectures even though she was blabbering nonsense.

"-And that is how you shouldn't leave kids alone" She said, her eyes immediately stared at Hakuyuu's dreaming one.

Only for [Y/N] to tilt her head and waved her free hand in front of Hakuyuu's face with Hakuryuu doing the same thing as [Y/N].

"Hakuyuu? Hello?" [Y/N] said as she waved her hand in front of Hakuyuu along with Hakuryuu.

He snapped out of thoughts and smiled at the both of them.

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