Reckless { Snb! Ja'far x Reader}

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This was requested

Actually thiz request is kinda nice so yeah, Hahaha.

So here we go!!


[Y/N]- Your Name

[L/N]-Last Name

[E/C]-Eye Color

[H/C]-Hair Color



She was reckless.

Incredibly reckless.

All she did was go and make problems, but no matter what kind of problem it is- it was enough to make all of them in trouble in one blow.

"Ja'far catch me! Bad people are chasing me!" a little voice screeched in horror as she tried to find her white haired friend, her big [E/C] eyes showed fear while doing so.

"Help me!"

Her eyes widen in surprise when a string had suddenly wrap itself around her tiny waist- pulling her swiftly to the side so the buffs couldn't catch her, realizing who saved her once again. She whipped her head to her side, revealing her friend.

"Ja'far!" she happily called out and hugged him tightly, "Thank you! You're my saviour!"

"As always," Ja'far muttered under his breath before pushing the girl off him gently, his green eyes stared at her [E/C] ones sharply.

Ja'far opened his mouth to say something until they heard a dramatic scream coming to their direction, both of them snapped their heads to the noise to see Rurumu and the others approaching them.

"[Y/N]! Ja'far! Thank goodness!" Rurumu's reliefed voice reached their hearing, before they could react- the giant blue haired woman already had them in her arms as she hugged them tightly.

"We were looking for you [Y/N]!" Sindbad's voice then followed, "Ja'far went out to look for you, lover boy had found you once again, huh?"

It was always like that, Ja'far would always look and protect [Y/N] from any harm as much as possible. Even though sometimes he couldn't handle her recklessness, as long as he could protect her- he will do anything; and that is saving her from any kinds of harm made by her recklessness.

Just like now.

"Watch out [Y/N]!" Ja'far's horrified voice had stopped the said girl from moving in her spot, her eyes slowly widen in fright when she realized that she wasn't stepping in a normal ground.

She was stepping on a trap plate.

"Don't move! Please!"

She did as told, she didn't move- but she's shaking in fear.

"I'll come closer. Don't even think about moving your feet unless I say so," he ordered and approached her form, carefully walking to avoid any kinds of trap before stopping in front of [Y/N].

"One, two, three..."


"[Y/N]!" Ja'far's yell had reached her hearing once again, it was another alarmed yell coming from her friend.

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