Part 1

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**Notes: Another story from @magicHappenx. Love all her stories. Wish u all like it too. Don't credit to me,Thanks!

Clothes? Shoes? Toothbrush? Charger?

Kit checked everything twice, making sure everything he needed was tucked in his overstuffed suitcase. He paced the room, scour through his wardrobe and searched the washroom before zipping the suitcase and falling in bed with a exhausted sigh.

He stared at the ceiling not knowing how exactly he felt at the moment, relieved Or sad? Betrayed or angry?. Everything was happening so suddenly that he wasn't able to grasp a single strand of his life, but maybe deep down he always knew it would come to this.

His life went downhill in a blur, it was like just yesterday he had everything he could ask for and in a blink of his eyes it was all snatched away from him leaving him in a bubble he couldn't get out of.

His thoughts were interrupted by a ringtone coming from mobile placed on his bedside table. He groaned annoyed, before rolling over and grabbing it between his two fingers. It was Beam, his bestfriend of years. He sigh once before sliding the screen and attending his call.

"Rise and Shine Amigo" Beam sang through the other end of call.

"Morning to you too Beam" Kit rolled his eyes already smiling despite how shitty his day was. It was the effect of his friends on him.

"Come On, I know you desperately need someone to whine about moving" Chuckled Beam. A sigh left Kit's mouth as his shoulders sank.

"I don't know what to say to be honest" Kit rolled until he was lying on his back. "I think I always knew this will happen".

"I can't believe she would do this" Beam sigh and Kit chuckled bitterly.

"Welcome to the team mate" Kit closed his eyes.

"Hey, maybe its for good. Atleast you will be away from that Bastard" Beam assured him.

"Yeah and I don't have to eat those horrible cakes" Kit joked, his heart already felt light.

"That's my boy, and also we could meet frequently" Beam added.

"Maybe it is for good" Kit closed his eye exhaling deeply. He let his mind drift away for few seconds where nothing like this was happening. Where he wasn't forced to leave his own goddamn house and live with someone else. It was actually a wonderful world and he found himself smiling but it went away as soon as it appeared.

"Lit sweetie are you done?" Kit rolled his eyes frustrated hearing his mother calling him. The words "Sweetie, or love" Seems fake to him now and it anger's him when his mother call him with these love names and does the exact opposite.

The door to his room opened with a bang that echoed around for a painful minute startling Kit although he knew his mother was on her way. She immediately frowned, before her face softened and she went towards him. Kit abruptly stood up, folding his arms firmly over his chest and she stopped few feet away from him.

"Maryse and Robert are downstairs" His mother who was a beautiful young woman with her gorgeous brown hairs and brown eyes, informed him.

"So, you have officially decided" Kit curtly asked.

"Kit you know its for best" His mother moved towards him but he stopped her placing his arm between them, her face fell.

"I can't believe you, you choose him over your own son?" Kit shook his head in disbelief.

"Kitty love---"

"Don't "love" me Mom, That guy ruined everything, he hit you once, he abuses me and after all this you decided to move away with him and leave me like that?" Kit angrily asked making her gulp.

"I love him Kit" Kit wanted to punch the wall when his mother whispered those words, he felt all the hope, all the expectation shatter inside him. He felt something breaking and he willed himself not to cry in front of her. Shaking his head in disbelief he moved backwards and angrily grabbed his suitcase moving past his mother who Grabbed his arm stopping him.

"Kitty please you have to understand--"

"I understand everything Mom, first you left dad for him, then you let that Man live with us despite how he abused me and now, you are letting your own son live with daechapanya's just because you love him" Kit interrupted emphasizing the word "love", his voice breaking a little. He looked at his mother for a second who remained silent, nodding to himeself he yanked his arm away and stormed out of the room.

All through the stairs his mind was mess but he Immediately smiled when he saw Maryse and Robert sitting there on a couch waiting patiently. Maryse jumped and walked with her open arms towards Kit engulfing him in a bone crushing hug. Kit chuckled and closed his eyes letting her scent sooth him.

"Kit my boy it's been so long" Maryse squeezed him.

Daechapanya were family friend of his mother for years, Maryse was like a second mother to him. They met a lot before his parents got divorced and his mother's boyfriend shifted over to their house almost three years ago. He had met their kids but not much, mostly they would come alone and sometimes Nate their younger daughter and Mark would also come. He met Max the youngest Daechapanya and Mingkwan the eldest only once. Safe to say he liked them all, except Ming a bit. He wasn't always friendly with him but he never had a problem.

"Its been years" Kit spoke breaking the tension, he felt Robert squeezing his arm and he pulled apart to greet him.

"Are you all packed?" Robert asked and Kit nodded looking at his suitcase which now was resting on the floor. Robert grabbed it and went outside while Kit stood their awkwardly watching his mother and Maryse two best friends hugging each other. He could listen to their conversation a bit.

"You aren't doing right Evelyn" He heard Maryse whispering to his mother and saw the way her shoulders sank and how she desperately looked at Maryse.

"Its for the best, Just please take care of Kit" Evelyn Pleaded and Kit wanted to yell and cry at the same time. How could she expect someone else take care of him when his own mother was abandoning him? It was cruel.

"Don't worry He is like a son to me, I will take care of him just the way I do with my own kids" Maryse assured him and his mother smiled a teary one.

Why he wasn't going to his Father was still a mystery to him? Him and his father was really close and when he walked out of the house Kit pleaded to go with him just as desperately his Father did but unfortunately his mother won the custody. He was allowed to meet him twice in a week but for almost a year He hasn't. He didn't even know now where he live.

He asked his mother to leave him with his father but she only said "Maryse is best option". Somehow he believed his father didn't even know about this all.

He shook his head seeing Maryse and his mother looking at him sadly, He looked at Maryse who nodded telling Kit to say her goodbye. She moved outside to give them some time. Kit stood their awkwardly while His mother grabbed his hand hesitantly.

"Kittinan, I know you are mad but you need to understand. I can't leave you here all alone" Everlyn said.

"Why are you leaving in the first place mom? You could have denied his offer" Kit whispered.

"I have to go, I want to go with him. I love him Kit, and I want to live my life a bit. Its just for few months darling, just until we come back" Evelyn cupped his cheek and Kit looked at her in disbelief yet he didn't say a word, not even when she hugged him close to her chest, not when he felt a tear on his neck. She placed a tender kiss on his forehead before straightening his collars.

"Be a good boy Kit, I love you" She whispered and Kit only nodded, not able to utter a word. Glancing at her one last time he moved out towards the car waiting for him.

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