Epilogue:Part 73

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Mingkwan has never thought he'll be able to love again, to believe and to have faith but being with Kit has taught him everything. Kit has shown him how to love and he made Ming believed firmly without even knowing he could.

Life definitely played with them in twisted ways but they have come out stronger every time, they have learned to love and trust each other more and more everyday. Now as he looked back to all the years they have been together and all the hurdles they had to face he smiled knowing it only made them stronger, it made them who they were together.

He still remember the day he first proposed to Kit, he remember the thrill and excitement, the nervousness and love he felt. He remember the moment when Kit nodded and the way he kissed him, he remember the love and happiness they felt when they knew nothing could keep them apart.

He remember how eight years after his proposal he walked down the aisle with his lover in his arms, he remembered how he carried Kit bridal style and how everyone cheered and appreciated them, both of their parents were on their sides with proud smile and loved filled in their eyes. The wedding was unbelievably beautiful with friends and families, many great artists were there as well and so was Ming's colleagues who were Physiotherapist like him. Seeing Kit struggling made him realize how much he wanted to help him and people like him and so he choose the field and now was one of the most successful youngest physiotherapist.

Ming remembered how nervous he was on his wedding day, Kit and Ming had matching outfits and their parents arranged a beautiful wedding on pool side. The atmosphere was captivating and the decoration was magical. Ming remembered their vows and how they held each other hands, he remembered how he sat in front of Kit in chair and vowed to be his forever. He could still feel the way they kissed and dance and how Magical it was.

The years passed in blur with them being there for each other, Ming helped Kit in every way possible and stood by him, there were times Ming had his weak moments and Kit comforted him. Ming and Kit's father both treated Kit together and over the years he has improved massively, he was able to move his legs freely and he started to take small steps as well, they only problem was in his balance but they were still working on it.

13 years later today from the day he lost his legs Ming watch him as he sat in the chair with Chairman meow a cat Ming gifted him on his lap as he patted his head. He meow and ran when Ming and Kit's father came near Kit and he smiled brightly, Ming bended and pecked his lips and Kit hummed in approval.

Kit slowly stood up and his father cautiously pushed the chair away from him, Kit balanced himself in Ming's arms and stood straight.

"I know you can do it." was what Ming had said before he slowly removed his arms, he took steps back and smiled at Kit who stood straight and proudly. Kit look at Ming who nodded encouraging him to move and he so slowly took a step forward immediately stopping and balancing himself, Ming grinned proudly when he didn't fall and Kit's father who was beside Kit cheered.

Kit looked straight at Ming and inhaled deeply, he was determine to succeed now and so he again took a step forward, he moved farther until he was standing in front of Ming who smiled and chuckled through his tears and kissed Kit passionately.

Kit kissed him back through his tears as his heart tried to accept the fact that after all this years of hardwork he finally was able to walk, he finally was able to prove Ming right and he couldn't help but let out a muffled sob across Ming's lips. Ming immediately pulled apart and hugged Kit as they both sobbed in each other arms. They knew they had to deliver the news to everyone else but right now the moment was theirs.

"You did it, I am so proud of you." Ming whispered and Kit only nodded because he couldn't form any word. He looked at Ming and cupped his face, he wiped his tears and kissed his husband hoping it would convey all the love and thank you's he couldn't spell.

They knew it was a tragedy but with Ming by his side it was definitely a beautiful tragedy that taught them both how to love, believe, and live.

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