19: Your Name

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If you dont know your name the anime then you wont get this. Here is the trailer though

I suggest you watch it. Its on netflix.
Okay onto the story.

How to pronounce some of the names in my story :

Tsumea : su-may-ah
Taki : Tah-Key
Itimore : Eat-ah-more-ey

Your Pov

"Morning papa!" I cheerfully smile finishing the bow in my hair. "Morning (____)." He smiles. Grandfather turns on the tv and scans the screen as i walk into the kitchen. "Looks like a comet is crossing over tokyo in a month." He reads as i pack some fruit into my satchel. "Okay papa! Ive gotta go now ill see you later!" I walk out of my apartment and am immediatly met by my friends.

"Hey (____) how are you feeling today?" Taki asks. "What do you mean im fine?" "Well yesterday you were acting weird. You were talking all nerdy and everything, you were acting male even!" Tsumea states on her bike."Really? Thats strange?" I question biting on my nail a slight bit.

The next day

I open my eyes and see a completely different scenery. Im somehow in a cobble brick house. A man walks through my door and looks at me. "Son are you up?" He asks. "Uhhhhh. Yeah?" I say confused. "Okay well get ready. School starts in 2 hours." Then he walks out of the room closing the door behind him.

Getting up i walk over to a floor length mirror and look at myself. Instead of my girly features, (colour) eyes, and (colour and length) hair, I have Black hair with a blue streak, a teal shirt with a sewed patch on my left arm, two big gloves covering my hands, long brown pants, freckles and big blue eyes. I walk over to my bedside table and pick up the phone with a text on the screen reading,

From : Eugene

Where are you, you dork get to school
sent at : 9 : 10am

"What the?"

12:00pm that same day

I peak into the class confused about what to do. "There you are. Wanna grab some lunch at the snuggly duckling!" A male voice yells scaring me. I jump and tense as they put an arm around my shoulders, but soon enough feel a blush rise to my cheeks. "H-hey, Mr Eugene!" I respond flustered. They soon lead me away from the class and outside into a quaint town. "Ah dont be so formal, just call me eugene." They chuckle.

The day before the swap

Varians Pov

"Morning dad!" I say walking out of my room and into the kitchen. "Mornin son. You feeling better?" Father asks. "Uh, yeah why wouldnt i be?" I asks grabbing some eggs from the stove. "Well yesterday you were acting feminine and all flushed around your mates as eugene described it and i just thought you came down with something?" He replies getting his things for work. "Bye dad!" I say as he hugs me. "Bye son see you this afternoon. Dont forget to go to school." Dad walks out of the house. "Thats strange?" I question

Your pov

Days and days went on as me and the boy ive been switching bodies with, who ive found out is named varian, got to know eachother and lifes better. Varian lives in a small town surrounded by beautiful hills and valleys, and has three friends. Eugene his best friend, Cassandra who ive been giving him a relationship with and rapunzel a girl who is very perky and adorable.

Varians Pov

Her name is (____) and she lives in the bustling city of tokyo. Her two friends are named Taki is a student who loves drawing and his best friends Tsumea and (____) and Tsumea who has a small crush on Taki.

Your Pov

We've given eachother breifings on what happens throughout the days we switch by writing in a journal we call
The Days I Switch With You.

Varians Pov

Yesterday I switched with (____) and she switched with me so time to check the journal.

I open to the latest page and read the writing.

Dear Varian

Today i helped you with your relationship status so to speak. You and cass seem to be getting closer and closer. Hmm i wonder how. Hahahaha. Anywho if i dont switch with you tomorrow i have set up a date with you and her that you could go on if we dont switch. I have some helpful tips and a schedule. The date is at 10:30. Make sure to meet by the snuggly duckling.
Love (_____).

Hope you liked this. I got this idea by watching your name the anime. Its my all time favourite movie apart from tangled. (They both tie).

Loves you

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