Chapter Forty

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Owens pov

Ughh i should have slept last night! Instead i stayed up with Simba trying to teach him to shake his paw. What? Its cute!

I lean my head against my desk and smile as i feel a body place next to me. Warmth. I look up but give a confused look as i see hunter sat there. I look around to see Megan now sat behind us with livi.

"I moved to all your lessons since theres only 3 months left and exams are over." i grin as i place my head on his shoulder. "Whats up princess? Are You ill?" i shake my head.

"He hasn't slept because he was busy with Simba again" i feel goosebumps as he wraps his warm hands around my small body.

"You're a weirdo owen" I smile in agreement and rest my head against the table ready for sleep.

Everyone thinks I'm crazy for trying to teach simba so late at night. But in my defence, it worked. He now shakes his paw. I also kept watching lion king and doing the lift thing.

Bella, Hunters dog, and simba actually get along. Simba was scared at first but after a while they got along.

I love animals.

"How about you Owen" oh shit I wasn't listening. My head shoots up and i feel my face go read. "Oh what, um yeah! Sure" the whole class chuckle.

"You sure Owen, i was only joking but if you want you can" i nod slowly. Shit what did i just sign up to.

"Great! So Owen is our Juliet in the play, now the rest for our cast." I groan in realisation.

"Who would like to be Romeo, there will be a kissing sce-"  Mrs Wilson smirks as she gets cut of. "Me" I stare at hunter. Why is he doing this.

"What? My boyfriend isn't gonna kiss anyone else" i giggle but then frown as a thought pops in to my head.

"I don't gotta wear a dress right?" She smirks. "Well kelly since you was sleeping in my classs, I'm gonna say you do. Don't worry its only around 100 tickets being sold" i nod and sigh.

What have i got myself in to.


                   4 weeks later

Hunters pov

Tonight is the night we perform our class show. Everyone has learnt their roles and lines, the rehearsals were really fun, especially the bit where we kiss. It makes me laugh at how red Owen goes.

Also the guy who marries Romeo and Juliet was originally a man, well that all changed when Ally practically forced everyone to let her marry us. She apparently ships us the most. People are weird.

Im currently walking around trying to find my Juliet, i know he's hiding since he's in a dress, which may i add he looks like a god in. He pulls anything off. we've already performed the first half, now for the second.

I then find a table with a plate of muffins and know exactly where he is. I crouch down and move the cloth to reveal owen playing doodle jump on his phone.

"Babyyyy come out" he shakes his head. "I have stage fright" i smile as i pull him out and he clings to me. "Princess, you will be fine, just imagine nobody is there. If you do it we all will take you for muffins" he sighs and nods.

"It's stupid how i will do anything for you or a muffin." I chuckle and kiss his cheek.

Im exited to perform to be honest. Megan wrote the script as a more modern version, and its pretty darn good.


I smile at Owen. "Good luck" and with that I run and crouch behind the bush as the curtain opens.

I slowly stand, walking around. "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" For a boy who is wearing a dress, and has anxiety, he's a pretty good actor.

"Shall i hear more, or shall i speak at this?"

"It's only your name that's my enemy. You'd still be yourself even if you stopped being a Montague. What's a Montague anyway? It isn't a hand, a foot, an arm, a face, or any other part of a man. Oh, be some other name! What does a name mean? The thing we call a rose would smell just as sweet if we called it by any other name. Romeo would be just as perfect even if he wasn't called Romeo. Romeo, lose your name. Trade in your name which really has nothing to do with you and take all of me in exchange"

"I trust your words. Just call me your love, and I will take a new name. From now on I will never be Romeo again." I smile as i stop talking.

"Who are you? Why do you hide in the darkness and listen to my private thoughts?" His voice is soft.

"I don't know how to tell you who I am by telling you a name. I hate my name, dear saint, because my name is your enemy. If I had it written down, I would tear up the paper." I move closer.

This is already a good night.


Owens pov

"I now pronounce you husband, and wife" Ally smirks as she steps back. I look forward and suddenly all of my nerves fade away. Its just me and him. His blue gorgeous eyes make me relaxed. He steps forward and with that we kiss.

Claps and cheers fill the air as the rest of the cast come to join us in our bows. Mrs Wilson told us all we needed a plot twist. so ours is that they have a happy ending.

We bow and smile for pictures and then I suddenly get given a mic. "Talk Owen" i shake my head at megan but then find myself speaking.

"Umm hello, thank you all for coming! Also if your wondering, I'm not optionally wearing a dress, i look ridiculous and all because i fell asleep in class. I hope you all enjoyed, uhh goodnight!" i feel my face go red as we bow.

Loud claps fill the air as we all walk off the stage.

I then realise, shit. "Hunterrrr iv left my clothes at home, and i only have shorts under this dress" he smirks. "Guess your keeping the dress on, Now you really are my princess" i hide my face.

"I guess so" he then smirks and pecks my lips. I hear a click and dread what i see next. Ally, Connor, Nathan and Megan all stood there taking photos. 

"I don't want to ever remember put on a dress. Delete those!" i sigh as we all walk towards the car. "Oh so you didn't want me to send that to hunter so he can add it to the Already 400 pictures of you he has from tonight" i look up in question.

"What? This might never happen again" i giggle. Tonight has been a long night.

Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Word count: 1214

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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