the movie and after

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A hour later I knoked on the door.
Tom opend the door."Guys ,this is Luna. ", told he as I steped in.
"Luna, this is Edd .", told he as he pointed at a boy with brown hair and a green hoddie."And this is Matt." He pointed at a boy with ginger hair ,purple hoddie and a green ofercout .I sat down on the only chauch he had. "This place is so much smaler than mine...", I'm thinking.
"We will wach *Return of the zombie pirates from hell 7* ok?"
"Oh I love these movies!"
"Me too !" Edd said and smiled .I smiled back.
Tom started the movie , and we wachted it. After the movie we talked a bit... Well not a bit... But it was fun!
Finaly some peopul hwo were nice to me ... I had a feeling of trust to them ... Even if I only knew them a copul of hours. I trusted them all more then my old friends , exept for 4... And there names are :Rebeca,Kira,Alina and Sky. I started to think at that moment :" I can't wait for college ! I'll see my friends and we will be roommates!"
Edd told a lame joke , but I liked it ,so I smiled and laughed. "You liked it?", Edd said ,like it was so rare to laugh at his jokes."Yeah , it was funny "
"Oh I like you already!" He said with a smile. I smiled back. Edd had a simular humor like mine ,witch was cool.
"I have to go , thanks vor the evening.", I said.
"No problem! See you around!", Tom said.
I wen't to my flat , and went to sleep.
That night I had a nigtmare... In it I died , but not realy ... I heard crys of wery known foices.. the foices of the guys ... But it semed like we knew echoder so well that we cut write a 1000 page book of us.

I woke up at 8 AM . I feelt strange after that dream... But I had to go to work.

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Where stories live. Discover now