chapter 47

18 1 11

Kind of a blood warning I guess...

Luna's P.O.V.
{Last week. Last week here. One week till the end. One week till I'm never gonna see them again. One week till I wont matter anymore. One week till I can end it all.} I thought as I rocked back and forth huging my knees, crying silently.
After a few months of crying every night makes your eyes not look puffy after crying (atleast that's true for me, da autor, after crying my eyes just look bit glimmery but it goes quikly away, so yeah), instead of beeing red and puffy.
I looked onto a small mirror I had on my wall, like everyone else had.
I looked into my own eyes. Not dark blue like they used to be. Not emotionful and happy.
Instead they looked grey and dull, no emotion showing.
{Heh .... Atleast I can say my eyes are fully exposing my sole, eh? Dad wouldn't be proud.....} As I thought of my real dad, I started crying again.
I looked into the mirror once more.
Weak. Is all I've heard.
It got under my skin and I punched the mirror, glass spliters everywere, and mostly in my hand. I started bleeding heavyly out of it, tho I didn't give a fuck. My hand can fuck itself.

I walked down, to wash my hand, tho at this point I had made a mess with my own blood. I saw Alina walk out of the livingroom, and look at me.
„The fuck did you do again?", she asked, looking at the bloody mess. „I punched the mirror", I replied, looking her dead in the eyes. Only now have I realized how beautiful eyes she has, they're green, and seem to be glowing. They look mysterios, still showing emotion tho. Eh, I guess she's special afterall.
„Why would you punch the mirror!?", she asked with worry in her voice.

Alina's P.O.V.
„Why would you punch the mirror!?", I asked her, worry in my voice.
„Al, look into my eyes. You should understand then." I did as she said.
Damn. I haven't noticed how dead they look. They're not the cheary dark blue she had when we were small.
„O-oh.... Well, let me ask Kia to take care of your hand, okay?" she nooded.
„EY KIA!", I yelled while knocking on her room's door. She opend it, clearly anoyed. „What do you want?" , she asked. I pointed at Lun-Lun „She punched da mirror" Kia facepalmed „YO LUN-LUN GET YA ASS OVER HERE" she said turning her atention to her, and makeing her walk over here. Kia grabed her arm, walked to the kitchen, and more I couldn't see.

Luna's P.O.V.
I sat there, not minding the pain which came from Kia takeing care of my hand. After she was done I said a quied „Thank you Kira", and walked to my room to clean the mess up.
I see Cookie's sniffing the glass carefuly, so he doesn't hurt himself. „Cookie what are ya doing?", I said as he looked at me. I picked him up and placed outside my bedroom. „Sorry buddy but I have to clean the mess O made", I said as he looked curiosly inside, but I closed the door. I took out the vacuum cleaner and cleaned the glass. I sighed and opend the door, for Cookie to come in, which he did.
He jumped onto my queen sized bed, and meowed for me to pet him.
I walked over to him , sat down, and peted him lovingly as he purred loudly. „I guess you'll stay with me, huh...", I mumbeled under my breath.
I stoped and walked to the livingroom, apparently Cookie wanted more cuddels, so he followed me. I sat down on the couch, next to Al, and Cookie jumped onto my lap.
I started peting him, until he feel asleep. „Hah, now u can't move", Al said, with a smirk on her face. „Shut up your mother buys you megablox instead of Legos" „Oh no you didn't", we laughed it off. „I acult can't move", I said smiling. „Karma~"

-time skip, second to last day there-
Alina's P.O.V.
Luna Has Been acting strangely.... Somethings definitly up.
She hasn't come out since yesterday morning, and from what I heard, not even sleeping. All I hear is.... Crying.
Cookie was craling her door, while I was watching that sight. I saw her open the door, bags under her eyes.
„Sup Al?" „Nothing much. Everything's okay?", there was silence for about a minute. „Al. I'm sorry for breaking promices I made....", Oh shit. He hit me with the sorry bomb. „Lun, chill out. What's wrong?", she looked at me with a hurt exprecion, bevor huging me tghitly. I huged back, a bit shoked. She started crying into my shoulder all of a sudden. She mumbelt things I couldn't understand, other then apologising constadly.
I saw Tom, who just stood there, looking with apsolute hatered in his non-existing eyes. He not only had hatred in his voids, but also a very small smirk too. Like if he enjoied seeing my drunk sis like this.
After I've calmed her down, she just appologised and walked out the house, since I saw it in the window we have in the hallway. I turned to see Tom, but he walked to his room {Proboply playing Susan again...} I thought and walked to the living room. I saw Kira who was listening to something on her phone. {Perfect~} I crept up behind her and huged her from the back. She jumped a bit and screamed „Bljat!(Yeah sorry if K wrote that wrongly, but I don't even give a fuck :3)", by this time I was laughing my ass off. „Yoooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu", she said as she looked at me, „gonna get Karma, betch" I got up, huged her and said „Love you too, lil sis" ,she groaned in anoyance and tried to wigle out of my hug, with no succses.
„If you love me let me gooooooooooo!", she yelled and I let her go. Afterall, she's my sister, and I love her stupid ass.

Nubody's P.O.V.
Little did Al know Kira got an evil idea. She huged her suddendly, waited till she huged back and whispered „Its a trap~" „Wait isn't that Luna's lin- NOOO HAHAHAHAHAHA STOP!", Alina yelled, beeing brutaly tickeled by her sister, laughing like a maniac.
After about 2 minutes of this Kira stoped, got off of Alina and walked to her room.
Alina quikly got bored until a sertain Ringo came to cuddle. She peted Ringo lovingly, Alina had always a sweetspot for cats.

-time skip, last day-
Luna's P.O.V.
I've packed everything I needed, since I'll never come back here.
I came to Al's door and knocked on it. She opend it pretty quikly, smiling.
„Hey Drunk sis! What's up?" {she's in a good mood, huh?} I thought to nyslef. „Alina. The army I'm in is having a war and people are dieing. If I'll die.... I'm sorry for everything.", {I should've had sugar coted it! I'm an idiot.... And a Commie...}.
Alina's happy smile droped, and looked sad. „I-I'm sorry Alina.... For not telling you bevore....", she looked at me with glossy eyes. „Atleast I'll f visit you in heaven....", she said looking up, bevore looking down, „or hell...."

-yet another time skip-
I was crying just like Al as I said my goodbyes, even to Tom.
„I guess this is it... Goodbye. I hope I'll see you soon...", I said, opening the door to the car Wiktoria was waiting in. I looked at Al, who suddendly yelled: „GROUP HUG", and I was atacked by my only friends. When they let go, I got into the car and waved as a goodbye, until I couldn't see them anymore. Cookie was save in his cage, sleeping it semmed.
„I understand what you're dealing with, Dimond. I know you more then you think I do.", I looked at her soft, frozen-green eyes.
„What do you mean?", I asked.
„You'll find out someday.", and with that, the ride was quied.

Hoi! Its meh, da real life Luna :3
Bit misterios the character Wiktoria, huh? And Al,Kia, still stfu 'bout it, please.
This chapter was longer then I usaly do, but hey, it was fun. This book's almost over, next chapter beeing the last 'normal' I guess, since the 50 one of the acual book is gonna be the epiloge, or more like a explanation of the relationship's beetween everyone in 'Eddsworld Next Generations' made by the real life Kira, randomfreakgirl. And then, I'll have a bit of a rant about this book.
Thanks for reading,
-the real life Luna:3

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