chapter 33

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               -3 days after last chap-
After the confesion off my depresion, I close up. I was failing as a friend....and ofcorse soilder.
I hated the fact I'll have to go soon, but happly ,or not, Tord texted a E-mail that I'll have to stay two more months.
I walked down to the livingroom, to tell Im staying longer.
I wasn't down there for days... I was just in my room. Not walking out once.
Easy to say, I looked like shit.
Suprisingly, everyone was there, but they didin't notice me.
"Ekem..." I said and they all turned, Tom's slight smile fading away, to a revenge wanting look.
"Im going to stay the next two months... I hope you are okay with it..." I said, looking down.
"Ofcorse we are! And we're happy for that!" Alina said, looking happy.
"Can I see your arm Luna..? I want to cheek if you cuted yourself while beeing alone..." The always worring Edd said.
I noded, he got up, and I let him see my arm.
He widdend his eyes, in shook.
I did cut myself. Heavyly.
"Matt get the bandages. Now." He said, and Matt did as said.
Edd carefuly bandaged my arm.
"Thank you Edd...." "No proplem..."
I walked back up, and took care off myself.

-time skip, 1 hour-
I started working on some paper work.
Yes, paper work from the Red Army.
It was some plans I have to do for missions and shit like that.
It was geting anoying tho. I got more and more tierd off this, so I wanted to get some coffe. I got up, and walked out, leaving my shit behind.

Tom's P.O.V.
I saw that piece off crap walk out her room.
{Mabe I cud find some clues... Cuz u can hear when someones coming up or down... Yes. Perfect idiea} I thot to myself.
I walked in her room, looked for somewere to start. Got it. The desk.
There were some papers.
I walked over to it. I imiedietly saw the Red Army simbol.
{She is even more dangeros than I thot!}
I heard the alerding footsteps up going up the stairs (da stairs xD).
I quikly and quietly ran out the door.
I made it just in time.

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Where stories live. Discover now