chapter 40

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Its time.

We were walking to our death.
We were just soilders.
We're just worthless to him.
We don't want to do this.
But do we have a choise?
Do we even have any rights here?

These are the thots we had while walking to the war (ZØNE) place.

I saw everything.
I saw many people die.
I saw people I liked to talk to die.

It's over now. Bood was pourn.
I was hurt during it. But I just wanted to go home.
I wanted to hug Alina, Kira, Rebecca and Sky.
I wanted to tell them everything.
I wanted just.... To not worry. I wanted them to feel happy.
But they're proboply scared....
They're proboply scared of 'the london murderer'....
{I'm sorry...}
Is all I could think of.

-time skip, 7 weeks-
5 months. 5 months without seeing anyone I truly trusted. 5 months without talking any other language then norwegan. It was finaly time for me to see my friends again. Finaly not for a mision. Finaly, just to enjoi the time.

ight now, I was driving to my dear friends, and Thomas.
I watched the trees as we passed them.
It didn't calm me like it used to.
I feel stressed.
One side of me wants to go home, the other doesn't.
I don't realy think I'll ever stop worring about anything.
I just need some alcohol ... Well probaply anyways.
I hope I'll get to be alone at home.

I sighed as we arived, I got my luggage and walked to the door.
"Here comes nothing....", I thot to myself.
I opened the door with my key.
I heard talking and laughing in the livingroom.
Something feelt off.
I walked to the doorway, and I saw everyone in the house... Plus Tobie... And Platon.
They didn't notice me at first so I leaned against the door. "Hello there old friends." I said in a norwegan accent. Damn, 5 months of speaking only norwegan has its working.

"Drunk sis!" Alina yelled, ran up to me and hugged me.
I wasn't used to physical contact anymore so I flinched and didn't hug back.
She let go of me and soon asked: "What's up with that accent?"
"Shit's up", I replied. I'm not like I was bevore. I'm just an empty body with a broken sole.
I serve no purpose. I'm worthless.
"Wow, rude", Kira replied.
"Shut up. Now, what are they doing here?", I said, mentioning Tobie and Platon.
"Oh what? Is someone uncomfortable to see Tobie and me?", Platon said.
"Oh shut up Plankton, do something for the world and die alone.", I told him.
Well, that may seem harsh, but I have my reasons why I say it.
Me, Platon and Tobie shared death glares.
"I'm going to my room, have a wonderful night." I told them and walked up to my room.
I was in my save space.
After I let Cookie free, I feel face down  an my bed.
I started crying.

You're weak. You're worthless. You're uninportant.
That words where all I heard.
I can't even rest here... Gues I'll just stay in my room for the rest of the beeing here.

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Where stories live. Discover now