chapter 23 (cuz Im uncreative)

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It's been a month since I got Cookie. That little guy can stay in the room I stay in the Red Army. I was thankfull to Tord... Cookie is the only one that knows ... I loved him.

I walked to my room. Cookie ran up to me as soon as I closed the door. "Miauu!" He miaued as he was huging my leg. "I see you missed me ,Cookie" I smiled. "Miau" He ansered. I picked him up, and set him down on the bed. Then I reviled his water and food. Suddendly my phone rings. I pick it up. "Luna Dimond here." "Lun-Lun, where are you? You weren't home... And you haven't called us or anything.. Im worried.." I heard Kira's voice say. "Oh.. Hey... Im in another city Kira. Im doing just fine." "O-Okay... Anyways, did you take Cookie with you?" "Yes." "Oh.." "I have to go now. It's late. Goodbye." "Goodbye.." I hung up. "Miauu!" Cookie miaued, and I started peting him. "My little Cookie... How cute you are..."

Cookies P.O.V. (cuz WTH not?)
"Yass!" I said, but ofcorse ,she didin't understand me...
"My little Cookie... How cute you are..." She told me. I started geting sleepy... So got up, and laid at the edge of the bed. She got up, and went to the room called 'bathroom'. 5 minutes later she came back, and got to sleep. I laid next to her, and joined her.

Luna's P.O.V.
It was 5:45. I woke up, and got myself ready for today. It was now 5:54. I put my normal coat on. I walked to the eating section in the Army.
-time skip, after breakfast-
It was 6:15 as I walked out to the meeting area. The leader came in, and told us what to do. I had the patrol today.
I walked to the gate, then I walked out, and got onto my place.
-time skip, 15:00-
It's over now. I walked to my room. As I arived Cookie , rushed to me, huging my leg. The awsome moment was ruiend by the speaker, saing I have 2 days off again. I grabed my most needed stuff, also puting Cookie into a special cage, and walked to my car.

-time skip, at home-
I arived only to be greded by the lonely Ringo, becose the people where on an adventure. I sit down on my sofa. I waited 1... 2...3...4...5 hours, and then they returned.
"Luna!" Beca said huging me. "H-hey"

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