chapter 43

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I had to go back to the hellhole called Red Army again.
Memories of the death of so many people came back.
Why do I haveto be here again? Oh right, my stupid decitions.  
I'm curently walking to the Red Bastard's office to tell him about that plan.  {God, I already feel guilt}, I thot to myself.
I knocked on the door.
A few moments of silence. „Oppgi navnet ditt og grunnen til at du er her!” (State your name and the reson why you're here!), a heavy norwegan accent said. Tord.
„Luna Dimond,Jeg er her for å snakke med deg, sir.” (I'm here to talk to you, sir.), I replied. Soon the door opend.
„Ah, its you, elsking.”, Tord said, suprisingly not in norwegan. I growled at the nickname. I hated him, I hated the names he gave me, I hated EVERYTHING that has to do with that comunistik devil.
„Sir, uhm.... Since, you have all the info you wanted from the so called 'Hoddie gang', I wanted to ask.... Uhm..”, I stuttered. I lost my belive in myself. This was a very very bad idea.
„Well?”, he asked, clearly geting inpatient.
„I-Is there any way to sabotage my death so the others don't have to worry about me...?”, I choked out of myself.
The devil himself looked suprised, but then smirked.
„Even after so many yeahrs you still manage to suprise me. And yes there is.”, he replied, sending chills down my spine.
„I was hopeing to do that in about a yeahr and half....”, I broke the silence once again.
„Alright then. I'll see when we could do that.”, he said, „See you soilder.”
With that I walked out.
{One thing finished.} I thought.
{I wonder how they're gonna react... Alina's probably going to react the badest... While her dear Thomas is gonna be the happyest person on earth....} I let myself think deeply.

This is a very bad idea. I can feel it.

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Where stories live. Discover now