The college 'life' 6

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The girls had bandaged me, since I was drunk.

The next morning I woke up at 11:54.
"Shit... I have to go there again..." I said.
I eat the breakfast fast.

I was dresed in my everyday clothing.
I told the others i'm going for a walk, and walked out.

~ minutes later ~
"Finaly... Your here..."
"J-just tell me what to do! And let the others in peace!"
Suddendly ,I was atacked from the back. Everything went black.

~ time skip ~
"Uggghhhh... W-where am I...?"
"You with me Luna..."
"Yes... It's me dear..."
I sat on the bed I was on. I looked at the room I was in. All white... Exept the bed, nightstand, the door and window.
"H-how did I end up here...?"
"I..I ordered to kidnap you... I had to
My elsking...."
"T-Tord.... I haven't seen you for 8 yeahrs..."
"I-I know..."
"You've chanched... A bit..."
"You've chanched a lot... From the bullied little girl I've known..."
"Heh... I gues I'm in your armie now..."
"I-I .... Know about... You depresion and cutings..."
I was quied.
"B-but... That means... You... You... Took off my hoddie..." I blushed .
He looked at me ,shoked and blushing.
"W-what?! No!"
"Haha... As if I don't know you Tord!"

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Where stories live. Discover now