The college 'life' 1

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"Oh my... How big are these apartments?!" I said in disbelive.
"It's 4 or 1 apartmens ,deppends on witch flor you'r at." I looked back and there they are.
"GIRLS!", I smiled and hugged Rebeca, Kira, Alina and Sky.
"We are sooo happy to see you, am I right girls?" Kira said. They all  knoted. "You are late...", Rebeca said.
"I-I know but..." "What?",Rebeca said not leting me finish. " met some b-boys..." "OHHHH!", all the girls said. "How old are they?" "Are they cute?" "Did they they ask you out?" "Do you like them?", all of them asked.
"21. Yeah. No." "You like them ,don't you?", Rebeca asked.
"Mabe!" I said. "Will you help me move in now?" I asked.
"Sure!",they said.

Almost every day I would call the boys thro the computer ,like Matt said.

       ~one month after moveing in ~
I was woken up by some music. I scremed :"BECA TURN THAT FUKING MUSIC DOWN!"
"FUCK OFF LUNA!" ,she answed.
"Some day ,I will fricking destroy her stuff!", I thot.
She turned it down."FINALY!", I thot

I got a strange feeling...
I fell asleep suddendly. "WTH?!", I said in my dream.
"We meet once again.. Luna Dimond.."
"Fuck... You again..."
"You don't like wisiters  ,don't you?"
"My name was Stacey..."
"Was ..? T-that means y-you are d-dead..."
"Ohhh... So you are stupid? Didin't think that of you..."
"Hey! You the one hwo is stupid here!
Y-you realy cuten't find someone more unfitting for this role...."
Stacy laughed."That's exactly why you are perfect! Nobody thinks you'r evil!
But I know hwo you realy are..."
"Not so quik dear..."
At this moment I had sort of a flashback... But not mine... Stacy's...

I was like a ghost.It was winter there.
"Oh Stacey, i'm really enjoying our date on this lovley snowy day. Even if your voice is freakishly man-like."
"Wait, what was that about my voice?"
"I'm enjoying this date too. Especially since I can eat all this delicius snow."
"NO! Stacey! What have you done!?"
"Urghh what?"
"You've eaten snow and now the sun is coming out! You're gonna melt!"
"Oh no! Tom i'm melting! I'm melting!"
"Stacey! NOO!!"
"Goodbye Tom!"
"I will always I-(gargels)"
"No. No. No. N- Aww man! Now i'm all wet!"

At this moment I was woken up by Alina.
"Luna you almost died!"
"B-but... How long have I been asleep for?!"
"It's been 5 hours since you scremed at Beca..."
At this moment I thot about Stacey and the flashback she gave me....
"Oh fuck...."
"What happend?"
"I.. need to go somewere..."
"O-ok", Alina said and got out of my room. I got myself ready for going out.
I got in to my car and drived off.
"Ughhh....", I said in pain. At this moment I was looking for a place to park. I caled Kira, since my car Has a phone in it.
"Luna? Where are you? Y-you just drived off like you didin't care..."
"Kira, my fucking head feels like it's going to explote... C-can you come to the park's parking place?"
"Sure Luna.
U-um Luna?"
I pased out on the road and drived in to a street lamp. Nearby peopul caled the ambulance. Kira was the first one to be there tho. I was rushed to the hospital.
"Welp,now you got a broken arm, good job!", Rebeca said.
"Beca! This isn't funy!", Sky said.
"What even happend, Luna?", She asked.
"M-my head feelt like it's going to explote..." "And?" ,Beca aked like it wasn't anythink.
"I can't remember...", at the next moment the doctor came in.
"There arent any more injurys, you cann go home and to school. Have a nice day.", He walked out od the room.
"I'm sure gonna have a 'nice day' with this broken arm!" , all of us laughed.
"Well we have to go home with you... So take your stuff and go!",Beca said.

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat