chapter 46, mirror mirror AU

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Nubody's P.O.V.
It was early morning, Alex woke up pretty early, 7 AM, and he got down to prepare breakfeast.
He made bacon and pancakes, puting every prtion on a special plate in a special position. He also added drinks for everyone, basicly:
Ell: Cola can shaped and Cola as a drink
Tamara: heart shaped and Smirnoff for a drink
Matilda: mirror shaped and orange juice as a drink
Skii: Cloud shaped and Mountain dew as a drink
Alex himself: just normal with normal lemonade as a drink
Kira: pendagram shaped and apple as juice a drink
Robert: doughnut shaped and a rassbeery lemonade
Moon: moon shaped with regular water and pain killers next to it

Just as Alex set the plates down everyone came in siting down.
Everyone ate and talked, till they all finished and headed to clean themselfs for the trip.
When they all finished they walked to Victoria St. to go on a hop-on hop-off bus tour (hehe gues who can use the knowlege school tought them hehehe >:3) . They took the one that would take them to many sights.
As they got onto it and saw the sights, they were all amaized. Even if they saw most of them they still loved it.
When they got off they were walking next to the River Thames.
It was nice and peaceful until Moon had seen a bronze craveing in the ground (something like Hollywood has, the walk of fame I belive), he looked hurt at it, while the others were cheking it out (so now they're atracted to bronze craveings, huh? XD). Alex noticed that Moon had a hurt exprecion. „Dude what's wrong?”, he asked him. „I-its.... My dad had taken a picure here..... When he was still alive of corse....”, Alex looked pittyful at him. Moon just replied with that he's gonna be fine, and they contined theyr gurniey.

After a bit of walking, talking and goofing around they decided they'd just go to a nearby park.
It was nice and peaceful, they were enjoing themselfs.

Suddendly Moon remembered again.
He remembered the night that would change his life forever.
He remembered the day of his parents death.

He looked carefuly at the others, they were distracted talking to eatchother.
{Good}, he thought to himself, {they aren't seeing me cry.}
Which was true. Moon was silently crying.
As he whiped his tears away, he had a stupid but good idea.
„hey guys?”, everyone looked at him.
„I have to go somewere.... We'll meet at home, K?” they all noded and he walked away, in a rather fast speed.
Now they were alone, without a soilder in discuise.
It was very peaceful without Moon, and they kinda liked more.

When they got home, it was afuly clean and quied. They shruged it off, knowing that the walls wheren't paper thin and got to sleep.

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora