The college 'life' 7 [not-so-college]

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The next 3 days I was trained hard, for beeing im the Red Army.
Finaly ,it was over.
"Hello there , elsking."
"H-hey Tord..."
"Are you happy to go home today?"
"Yes and no..."
Tord gave me a hug.
"Just say you were at you old friends house." He then kissed my cheak.
I blushed a little.
"Goodbye elsking."

             ~ 27 minutes later ~
I was at the apartament door. I knoked.
Kira opend the door.
"THERE YOU ARE!" She said.
I got to my room, and left my stuff there. I walked to the livingroom.
"Hey Luna."
"Hey Edd."
"Where were you?"
"J-just with my friends..."
We wachted TV togheter for the rest of the day, well atleast till 19 o'clock.
"Guys ,Im going out to the bar with Tom!"
"Ok" Kira said.
"Just don't get that drunk ,like last time..."
"hiiii..... Tom..."
"Hey Luna... Are you drunk again?"
"Mabeee *hic*"
"Oh no..."
"When is my wedding?!"
"What wedding? "
"W-with .... *Feels asleep*

I was walking down the streat with Tom.
"Did you know a person named Tord Larsson ?"
"Y-yes... W-why are you asking...?"
"He was my best friend.."

                      ~ time skip ~
We came home drunk af.
"Kia... Can you help me go to my room pleas?"
"Wow... Yes I can..." She helped me go to my room.
I feel asleep after half an hour later.
I had that nightmare again...
I woke up at 4:00 am due to a knock on my window. There. Was. Tord.
"Hello elsking.."
"H-hey... What are you doing here? On the 23 floor?"
"Geting to ya~"
"Yeah do that..." I let him into my room.
"Nice room...."
"Thanks.... B-but keep your voice down."
"Okay min elsking."
I sat down on my bed, Tord sat next to me.
"Sooooooo..... Are you still bulied by your 'friends'?"
"S-sometimes.... When I see them..."
"So who do you life with?"
"My best friends..."
"Kira, Alina, Sky and Beca right?"
"Y-yes but.."
"Also with your 'old friends'..."
Tord looked at me speechless.
He came closer to me, and huged me.
"You are gonna chanche the world elsking..."
"U-ummm.... In a positive way?"
We huged like that till I heard footsteps towards my door.
I pointed at the closed, so Tord wud hide there. I laid down on the bed and predented that Im asleep.
The door opend.
In it was...

              ~ to be cotinued >;3 ~

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