run away (2/2)

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Luna's P.O.V.
I found a hotel and stayed there for 5 days. All the time I was stressed the Army will find me.
I wanted to move somewere else, as in another hotel.
I got all my stuff and went to the looby. I payed and went outside.
I felt a strange feeling...
Hide .
I did as told...? I hid behind a tree next to the exit.
About 10 seconds later, I knew I did the right thing.
Paul and Patryck where there, and went inside the hotel. As soon as the door closed I ran. I don't know where, I only know I ran for about 10-15 minutes.
{Thank god I hid when I Has the chanse to...} I thot to myself. 
Now I have to wonder around and find somewere to stay....

-3 hours later-
Nowere to stay.
Nobody that cares.
Exept him... He wants to find me...
He probaply wants to make me suffer for this decision....
{Where am I anyways? Mitten in nowere? Great...}
Thank god Im in a forest and have a tent with me... And food for Cookie...
Speaking of Cookie... He's hungry as I see... I gave him food and bult the tent up. 
I went to sleep ,so I can trawel in the morning again... I only need to get Cookie inside... Got him. Now sweet sweet sleep, here I come!

-time skip, the morning-
I packed the hole 'camp' togheter and wanted to go on my very way....
The Army... Well Pau and Pat, found me.
{FUCK} I ran ,having my stuff already on my back, and Cookie in my hands, I had everything ready to go.
"SOILDER STOP RIGHT NOW!" Pat scremed at me, runing after.
I only kept on runing, trying to lose them...
Easy to say, I had low chanses to run away from them. Very low chanses.
They started shoting at me.... Tho the bulets were... Trankulisers?
To late.
I was shot... I tried to continue runing, but with every step , I got more sleepy, and tierd off everything.
Soonenoth ,I passed out.
Great. Just great. Wtf will that komunist is gonna do to me?
And what about them?

I woke up, tierd, a mess, and with no abiliti to move beside sit on my knees.
I heard a door open behind my back, so I turned around to see who it was.

It was a girl, that I have never seen bevore, tho she had a Red Army uniform on, so I shud know her

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It was a girl, that I have never seen bevore, tho she had a Red Army uniform on, so I shud know her.
"Well, the Leader said, I have to Burn you a tato off the Red Army singh on the back, mind telling me why?"
I was quied.
"Uh... Okay... Well, I have a job to do. Better stay still."
Wait will she aculy bur-
I let out the most bloody scream I have ever done or heard.
Afterwords I was shakeing, sweating and cring from the pain.
Nothing I felt bevore hurt as much as this....

Easy to say, that was my punishment for runing away, and its gonna stay on my back for ever

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Easy to say, that was my punishment for runing away, and its gonna stay on my back for ever.

The girl walked out, seconds later he camen in.
"Like the tato elsking? No..? Well, you can't get rid off it~
Never try to run away again, okay~?"
I noded, still feeling the pain.
"Good girl... Now mind to go to your room with my help..?"
"N-no..." I replied, with a very weak voice. "Good." He helped me up, and walked me to my room.

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Where stories live. Discover now