chapter 45

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Every day and night I'd cry, knowing that soon it'll be the last time I'll be able to see my friends. People I trusted....
Curently, I was training one on one.
I was about to shot him, bevore I felt a terible pain in my shoulder.
I groand in pain I droped Briana.
„Looks like this time I won, Dimond.", a guy called Lewis Esence said.
„S-shut up...", I whisper yelled.
I walked to the hospital section of the Army, leaving me to think about David.

-mini time skip-
After I got bandaged up, the devil himself told me I can go home, for the very last time.
I got into my room, and packed the most needed stuff, also put Cookie into a cat-traveling bag(side note: my outo correct alway makes bag into bagel xR) .
Once I was done, I walked to a car a girl named Wiktoria drived it (Al, Kia, u get the revrence, but shhhhhh, nubudy can know xD).
She wasn't much of a talker, she was bit mute, only saying how long it'll take to get to my home if I asked, or telling me if we're there. She looked like me, and accted a bit like me. But today was difrent.
„Hay uhm..... C-could I drive more wildly? I-if you're okay with that...", she asked, so I noded.
That was..... Kinda a rough ride....
She was driving fast, makeing sharp turns, ect.

After I've arived home, I said goodbye and Wiktoria Has driven away.
I knocked on the door, to be opend by Kira. „Lun-Lun! What a nice suprise", she smiled, „I was alone at home, come in ya siner." „Did you and Al seriosly make a plan on how to piss me off?", she shook her head as a no.
I walked in, let Cookie go out of the bag, ran up to my room and threw everything on the floor, runing back down.

I was smiling widely, like if I didn't have anything that worried me, wich of corse was not true. I wanted to make it seem like I was happy as fuck.
I kindly greeted everyone, including Thomas, and was jokeing around with no end.
„Lun-Lun?", Kira asked. „Yup?"
„Why are you in such a good mood? Normaly you'd avoide us.... And if not you'd just be down and not talk as much...", I tried to keep my smile as real and reasureing as I could, „I felt you shouldn't worry, and I've just wanted to forged I'm even down for a second", I said, as I saw a smile growing on Kira's face.
„Well, my dear friends, I have an idea...", they all looked at me with questioning looks.
„How about we go thro whole London, visiting the many many sights, and having as much fun as posible? I mean, I didn't have time to visit them, mabe you did though...", I asked them.
„We did see a few sights without you, but not as much. And I think its a good idea, what about you guys?", Alina questioned the others. They all noded in agreement.
„Great! Well, we'll drive out tomorrow moring, at 7 AM, so get your asses to sleep early and pack a few things, its gonna be a long week!", I said loudly, with exitment in my voice.
I ran upstairs to my room, locked the door, leaned against it and slit down.

{You're gonna regred this...} I thought to myself.
{You're gonna get deeper into the mess you're in.... Not thinking about staying save and beeing happy to return somewere or someone....
But there's no going back now.}
With that I looked at the window.
{Might as well go for a walk...}
I klimbed out of the window, and started walking.
I thought of a song I know from a musical.

Hamilton: Its quied uptown

I started to hum the melodie as I walked to the park. I forgot it was closed so (so was the 666 word xD) I continued to walk.
Afentuly I got to a bar and got wasted as fuck.
I was stugeling to walk back home, and when I did I couldn't climb back up so I knocked on the door, only to be faced with a clearly confused Alina.
„Lun-Lun? I thought you were in your room?", there was a short silence, „I-I waaaaaaasssss but I was borrreeeed and I got o-out the windowww", I replied starting to feel light headed.
„Ugh.... You're drunk withou me again....., Come in bevore I'll close the door.", she said anoyed.
I walked in and right as I wanted to start walking upstairs I passed out.

Alina's P.O.V.
God damnit! She passed out while everyone's in theyr rooms!
I tried to drag her up the stairs but that' was quite a chalange, so I decided that she'll just stay on the sofa. I draged her there, put a blanked over her unconcios body and walked to my room.
I started to pack a not so big backbag with my most needed stuff, and headed off to bed.

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Where stories live. Discover now