chapter 42

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I stayed in a cheap hotel for about 3 days, bevore I got back home.
The first thing I got after I got back was geting yelled at by Alina. She can act like a mother, ya know?
I'm curently in the living room, just chilling and drawing something depressing. So its the usal.
I knew the others went out somewere, but when I heard the front door open and very quied foot steps, I knew it wasn't them.

I quikly took Birana in hand, and walked even quieder down.
As I saw something.... Unplesand to say the least.
It was David's twin brother, Luke, who worked for the Black Army.
Memories of David himself came back. I missed him.... He was too youngh to die... And it was my fault.
„WHO TF ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!?", I yelled,I knew who he was, I couldn't show it tho.
There was a short silence, bevore he replied.
„I'm your murderer.", he said, grinning evily.
„No you're not. I'm your's tho.", he started laughing harder, that's when I shot him. In his leg tho.
He yelped and fell to the flor. I shot him again, just to me sure he wont escape. 
I called Pat and Pau and told them I have a recrute they might need.
They for here prety quikly and got Luke.

Soon after Luke was taken away, the others came back.
Apparently, that fucking Jehovas witnes proposed to my drunk sister.
Alina was very happy, but when I heard it my heart sank.
What if he'll tell her?
I need to make them forged about me... I think I have to fake my own death, makeing them forget. Mabe that is the right choise? But I will miss them.... I don't know. I just hope they wont cry as much if I do so tho. Mabe they'll be more happy that way? Most likely. Nobody cares afterall.
„Luna are you listening?!”, Alina snaped me out of my thots.
„N-no.... I'm sorry.”, I said, feeling bad for not listening.
„I was talking about when Tom and I want to marry....”, she said, looking down.
{If I want to pull off that 'beeing dead', it has to be bevore her wedding.}
„oh... And when?”
„In about a yeahr and a half.”
„oh alright...”, with that, I got to my room.

I will regred if I'll do it... But I have too.

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Where stories live. Discover now