chapter 25

14 1 2

Luna's P.O.V.
-2 weeks after last chap-

Again beeing in that hellhole called the Red Army.
Me and Dave... Got even better friends than we were.... And we knew we liked us more than friends... Becose we were almost dating...
"So I said to my mom: DAD IS IN THE ROOM ALL ALONE! I HAVE A BAD FEELING ABOUT THAT! And that was the last I saw or heard from them both... Beeing just 14 at the time... And you Lun?" "I was 6 when my died... I still don't know what happend... Well, the next family... Is still alive... They were a hell to me... Still are." "And why?" "Well, I had a sister, and have a brother and 'parents in that family.." "what do you mean by 'had a sister'?" "She... Drowned." "Oh.. and your 'parents' ? Are they the hellhole?"
"Yes. They made me do everything. If I even did a slit mystake, I'd get punyshed so, that even hell doesn't have it like that... That's one reason why I cu-" I was interupted by the speakers. "Dimond and Bugins is called to the Leaders offise right now."
We got up, I repared Dave's colar, and we went quikly to the Leaders offise.
"You called us herregud!" We both said while saluting.
"Sit down." He said pointing at the chairs infront of his deasc. We did as he said.
"I heard rumors you both are... Dating... Is that true?"
"Almost herregud." Dave and I replied.
"What do you mean with that?!"
Dave looked at me. "It's not oficial herregud." I replied alone.
"Hehe... You don't remember our little 'agrement' do you, Luna?"
"W-what agrement herregud?"
He had a big stupid grin on his face(ESTEREGG xD).
"The one" he came closer. "That we will only love eatchother..."
I remember now.... {No...That means..}
Tord saw the fear in my look.
"T-TORD PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM!" I scremed panicing. "Why shudent I? You didin't lisen... Now I wont... Say your goodbyes now...!"
I looked at Dave, "Im so sorry" I said cring and huged him. He huged back, knowing what will happen. "It's not your fault Luna...." He wispers. "I love you...." "I-I love you too Luna... I will always love yo-"
A shot.
Dave was gone.
"Ups" Tord said ,grinding like a psychopath.
I gave him the disapointed, angry, sad and revenge wanting look I cud do.
"Your all mine now..." He smirked evily happy.
I didin't care anymore.
I was empty now.
I didin't feel anything but sorow.
Im only doing this for them.
Im only leting this happen, so they'll be save.
"Is his death enoth? Or shud I kill one off them so you'll do everything I tell you, and let me do it ?" He shamelessly asked.
"Do whatever you want to. Beat me up, torture me, leting me kill my left real family. Only don't hurt them. Let them be happy and forrged about me. Let them be save from you."
"But elsking... I wont beat you up, torture you or let you kill your left real family....
I'll make you do something far worse. "
"What is it?"
He laughed. That laugh I knew, but I don't remember what it meant.
"You have to know, now Im your lover. You have to love me. You have to do it~ You have to... Be mine compleatly..."
I thot for a second. {It I'll do it... He will most likely... Em... Yea... If I wont.. I'll hurt them}
"Im in, if you wont hurt them "
"I wont.. promise is a promise." With that Paul walked in and got Dave's body out.
As he closed the door... Tord....
Fucking kissed me....
I didin't kiss back.

"What is it elsking? No kissing back?" He asked after puling away.
I looked at him with a empty or emotion less face.
"You will do what I say~"

-time skip,a week-
That week was and still is a hellhole.
My depresion is geting worse and worse...
I don't know if I'll make it.
But hey! I have my b-day(lets just act like its the 19.10 k?) in a week!
I Hope my 'dearest honeybun' will let me go to my best friends...
Ah... Im only doing this for them...
Im leting it all pass for them...
Im only keeping me from death to protect them.
Today I have to hack the royal bank cuz we have to get that money...
(I wonder why.. *looks at more than 63852825 destroyed stuff like sofas and Tanks and shit*)
Sistem A hacked.
Sistem B hacked.
Sistem C hacked.
Sistem D hacked.
Sistem E hacked.
{Every securaty sistem hacked. Good} .000 £ is transwert to Im_a_trol acound.
{Now hack that, transwer to another one ,another one, and soooo on 50 times}
-time skip ,after beeing done-
"Done herregud!"
"Good job" he said smiling.
In that moment I thot about Dave... And how lonely I am without him...

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora