The college 'life' 9

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"I-I didi-" I was intorupded by a bright light ,that was pointed at Kira.
She pased out ,and was now laying on the floor.
"What the-"
"It's a memori eraser gun." Tord ansered simply.
"Use it,so your 'friends' wont remember this."
"O-Okay..." I andered.
             ~ time skip, one week ~    
"Luna.... Have you seen my vodka?" Kira asked.
"We drank it last week, why?"
"I wanted to get drunk before going to sleep, Welp, night Lun."
"Night Kia."
She walked out of my room.
Soon enoth I feel asleep.
The dream... Was important for the rest of the story, seriosly.

"Well well well.... Hello once more Luna..."
"Hello.... Stacey..."
"I see your feeling for Tom are gone.... Sadly...."
"What do you want?!"
"Heh... I wanna give you another .... Chance help you and me...."
"What is it?!"
"Well... I have a contract ,read it, IT will explain itself."

I Luna Dimond , give with my sighning of this contract, help to Stacey in the afterlife.
Once I die,  I'll help her to go to heaven.
In exchange ,she will give me one more chanse to live.Also ,with this, I sell my sole to Stacey.

Sighn here: __________________________

"So... Will you sighn it..?"
"U-umm.... Explain Why.."

       -time skip, after she explaint-
I sighned it.
"Good choise Luna.... See you in the afterlife..."

I woke up.
"Luna, we are going to the park!" I heard Edd say.
"Im staying home!"

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Where stories live. Discover now