The poland-trip 1

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"Katowice... Tyle lat tu nie byłam.." I said.
"What?" Kira, who was siting next to me, the pasemger seat, asked.
"I wasn't here for a long time... That's all... Oh and soon we'll be in my home town!" I ansered.
The rest of the trip was quied.
"GURLS" I said oferly happy.
"Hm?" Alina ansered.
"WE'RE HERE!!!" I yelled.
The girls were super exided.
We went to the freadom park. (Therse are acual places there.) After that we went to my favorit ice cream shop. I showed them every single place I went too.
"Look girls, it's the place with the old elevator! I remember how I used to always come here with my grandpa..." I said, still happy.
"Heh... Let us see it!" Sky said.
"Sure." I ansered.
In the bulding was a show case of the hole town. As we went thro the elevator, I said that aculy it can stop any second, ofcorse, just as a stupid prank. The fear on there faces, price less. "Girls, im jokeing!"
"You mother frusker..." Kira said, and we laughed.
Then we wen't to one of the shoping malls. Ah, so many memories.(ESTEREGG)
"So... This is where I grew up..." I said.
"Cowl. Soo... What now...?" Alina said.
"Luna? Luna ,czy to ty?!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around ,and there ,was, my childhood friend.
"Caroline?!" I said.
-time skip, 10 min.-
Caroline gave me her phone number and left.
"So... Who was that Luna?" Rebecca asked.
"Just a good old childhood friend of mine." I ansered.
"Hey girls, wanna see the street I lived in?" I asked.
"Sure!" They ansered.
We walked over to it. Wow. So many things changed...
"When I lived here, it was way difrent" I said.
"Okay" Sky ansered simply.

Katowice... Tyle lat tu nie byłam...
Means: "Katowice ... I have not been here so many years"
If you were wondering!

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora