The college 'life' 3

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Warning! Includes : Depresif thot's, self harm, so if you are youngh or sensitif ,go of this story!

~week after the movie weekend ~
(Monday after school)
I was in my room ,beside the bed.
«I'm alone... I wan't to die... I shud be dead... Everyone says that... I can't tell anyone... I must be... I can't.... I hear only the words off them.... I can't... I just CAN'T!»
I said on my mind....
I reched my hand under my bed...
Suddendly Kira comes in.
"Hey Luna! What are you doing?" She looked at my curiosly.
"I-I'm just.... CLEANING!" I said in a shaky and scared tone.
"Ooooo....kay...." She said in a wierd tone." Anyway's .... Wanna go to the park?" She asked. I thot for about 3 seconds. "Ofcorse!" I said ,faking a smile, like always. 9 minutes after, we left our apartament.
"New hoddie?" ,Beca asked.
"Yeah... I desided I'll look better in it."
I lied. It wasn't the reson , it was becose I didin't wanna show them my wonds. We sat on a bentch and talked for about a hour.
"Gurlsssss.... Im hungry...." Beca said.
"Yea ,me too..." Kira ansered.
"Well then ,are we going forrrrr.... Hot dogs? Our faforit hot dog place is nearby!" ,Alina said.
"Yeee!" They all ansered Alina exept for me.
Sky noticed. "Are you not hungry Luna? You haven't eaten since yesterday morning..."
"N-No ! Im not hungry that's all!", I lied again...
"But you love hot dogs! You wud never resist one!" Kira said ,and got closer to me. She took her hands on my sholder and said in her 'serios' tone: " WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO LUNA?!"
We all laughed. "IM AN ALIEN THAT REPLACED HER!" we laughed harder.
"Ok that's it!" She said and huged me.
I was shoked with her acions. Suddendly she wisperd :" When we get home you need to tell me what's wrong"
"Shit" I thod. "She probobly figured it out..."
She let go of me, and we walked to the hot dog place. "Great" I thot. "I will have to tell her...."

~ after we got home ~
"Luna... You are acting wierd... Tell me what's wrong..." Kira said.
"N-nothing is wrong Kia!" I said.
"Luna stop lying..."
"I am not!"
"I don't belive you."
There was the silence. After about a minute , Kira spoke: "A-are you beeing bulied?"
"W-what?! NO!"
"You know he will not save you... Again...."
"D-do you mean.."
"Yes... You best guy friend..."
I started thinking...
"Kia, I am not beeing bulied..."
"Are you sure?"
"I-if you say so..." She got up and walked to the kichen.
I also got up, and walked to my room.
I thot about him... How he saved me...
About how much I miss and need him...
How much I loved him...
Then... I relised .... He will not come back.... He will never come back...
I closed my door and looked it.
I took a sharp blade and... Started cuting myself...
After 14 cuts , I stoped .
I heard foot steeps in my direction.
I paniked and hid all the evedence under my bed.
The was a knok on my door and an atemt to open it.
"Luna! Open the door and come out! We are worried!", It was Alina.
I opend the door and came out.
"What were you doing?"
"L-lisening to music!"
"If you say so... Anyway were going to the cinema! Are you coming along?"

Bevore we lost Ourselfs (OLD, TRASH, VERY BAD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!)Where stories live. Discover now