If you Want it - Chapter 4

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Nothing too bad, but the context clues are there for those who read between the lines.

Chapter Warnings: Kidnapping, Implied sexual assault


Within an hour, a team of police officers was staked out in front of the house Bridgette and her brothers lived in.

Questions directed at the neighbors yielded promising results. With reports of seeing the brothers pull the back of their car into the garage the evening Palette disappeared, as well as some yelps and yelling they hadn't thought was suspicious at the time, it was probable that Palette was here.

The trio of kidnappers had already arrived home and they were confirmed to be in the living room and kitchen.

Goth and Palette's parents had been forced to stay behind with the chief and the radio communication officer, not wanting to risk their safety with an unknown situation. They watched as the officer tested the transmissions between the chief and the officers he was sending in.

Goth's soul pounded as the rescue operation commenced, listening intently to the broadcast being transmitted from the squad's headsets.

There was a bang followed by shouting, "Male one subdued, Male two resisting arrest, Female one fleeing... Male two subdued, persuing Female one..."

Goth clenched his scarf as the updates came through, "Female one fleeing downstairs... victim located, repeat, victim located...!"

Muffled screams could be heard in the background as the officer relayed, "Female one is holding victim hostage by knifepoint-"

Goth's breath hitched as he tore off toward the house's front door, ducking under the chief's and Dream's outstretched arms and ignoring the frantic yells behind him.

Please... please, let me make it...

Reaching the foyer, Goth followed the shrill screams to a set of stairs leading downward. His feet took him down into a wide, gray stone basement... crowded with police officers pointing weapons towards Bridgette, who was holding a knife to Palette's neck.

Palette, who was tied by his wrists and ankles to a wooden chair, his jacket unbuttoned and bunched at his elbows to reveal a torn and rumpled white shirt sporting questionable stains.

He was noticeably trembling, with tears retracing worn lines on his cheeks from clenched eye sockets, taking staggered breaths while leaning as far as he could from the knife against his neck.

"Oh, stars... Palette!" Goth cried, rushing forward only to be held back by one of the officers.

The taller skeleton's sockets shot open, shock, fear, and relief mixed in his expression, "... Goth?"

"You!" Bridgette snarled, glaring daggers at the hooded monster, "This is all your fault! This wouldn't be happening if you hadn't gotten in the way of our love!"

Goth's eye socket twitched, "Love? You call this love? You're holding a weapon to his neck, not to mention you have him tied up against his will! This isn't love, it's a sick obsession!"

"Kid, don't antagonize her!" one of the officers warned.

"You're wrong!" She cried out, her paw with the weapon shaking, "He loves me, he just can't see it because you poisoned him! And... and you can't take him from me! We'll die before we're torn apart!"

The knife pressed into Palette's neck, drawing a small trickle of marrow and a whimper from the restrained skeleton.


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