When One Door Closes - Chapter 1

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So college classes are done (I got straight A's and even had the highest grade in my psychology class, woo!) and I have roughly two-ish weeks of relative freedom~

This story's a sequel-prequel to 'The Road to Hell' detailing the pair's initial meeting. This can be read on its own, but the next chapter will make more sense if you read the other story first. Enjoy~

Chapter Warning: Blood (Marrow)


Lotus ducked into the alcove of an alley, willing his breathing to calm so as not to give away his hiding spot.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! I should have known running away would be yet another dumb idea added to the extensive list of bad ideas and stupid decisions I've made in my life.

Why did I think this would be any better than home? My parents always warned me of the cruelty in the world, but I refused to listen! I didn't even make it two damn days before one of the local gangs found me.

Now here he was, a sixteen-year-old skeleton monster crouched behind a pile of boxes, running from a group of monsters, hands covering his mouth to stifle any noise while his right shoulder steadily leaked marrow.

I'll definitely need to take a look and treat it later... if I actually manage to survive.

As the thrumming of his soul began to slow, he took in the silence surrounding him.

Did I actually lose them?

Risking a glance, Lotus poked his head out of his hiding spot, seeing nothing on either end of the alley. Releasing a sigh of relief, the skeleton slowly stood from his crouch and approached the mouth of the alley.

Before he could even check around the corner, a hand shot out, wrenching his injured shoulder and slamming him back into a brick wall. He gasped as the pain from his injury and the impact hit him simultaneously, his vision impaired by the stars dancing through it.

"Now that wasn't very smart," the leader of the gang, a lizard monster, growled as Lotus slid down the wall, unable to hold himself up.

"Heh... tell me something I don't know...," the small skeleton mumbled through gritted teeth.

"You invaded our territory, then ran instead of accepting the fees. You brought this on yourself," the leader growled, punching his fist into his palm as his lackeys formed a semicircle around him.

Of course I couldn't accept the fees, I have nothing to pay with! 

He had left his home spur of the moment without his parents knowing, so he was only able to pack a few things he'd been hoping to pawn off in his backpack. Of course, the shop owner had been a cheapskate, not willing to pay near the amount the items were worth. Not that it mattered much anymore... that bag and the items were long gone now, so now he only had the clothes on his back.

I have a feeling I'm not even going to have that for much longer.

A single kick to the left side of his ribs started the punishment, sending him fully to the ground as the rest joined in. Lotus curled up as tightly as possible, using his thin arms and legs to protect his skull and body as well as he could from the half-dozen monsters pummeling him.

It was a vain attempt since the blows easily broke through his meager defenses, all culminating in a sharp crack as one of his ribs finally gave way and snapped completely, producing a sharp gasp.

The surge of pain caused him to unconsciously move his left arm toward the injured bone. The action created enough of an opening for another kick to connect with the side of his skull, resulting in another sickening crack and another cry of pain.

The skeleton could feel marrow leaking from the cracks in his skull and ribs as he tried to blink past the shock-induced haze. Even if he could see clearly, he wasn't sure he wanted to see the extent of the damage.

A whimper slipped out as the assault continued. He tucked tighter into himself, closing his sockets despite knowing it wouldn't erase the pain or cause his attackers to vanish.

As if something so wonderful would happen.

The group stepped back to admire their handiwork, laughing and jeering at the bloody and broken victim that lay shivering before them.

Lotus no longer had the strength to run or defend himself, merely waiting for his aggressors to finish him off. His sockets clenched harder as dull footfalls echoed against the alley walls.

Time's up, I guess...

But instead of death, shouting and screaming rang out.

Uncurling slightly from his ball of pain, Lotus opened his left socket just in time to see the lizard monster fly over him, crumpling against one of the walls. The footsteps echoed behind his skull this time, and the skeleton forced himself to rotate his damaged skull and glance up.

A tall, dark figure towered over him, their only visible trait being two glowing orange-yellow stars that made up their eyes. Lotus couldn't make out anything more through the light shining at the newcomer's back and his own fading vision.

And here it is... where it all ends for me... my parents were right all along, I couldn't handle it... at least I get to see something pretty in the end...

Dammit... I'm... so stupid...

A choked, wet laugh slipped out as pain stole what was left of his awareness and he succumbed to a cold and lonely oblivion.


Word Count: 853

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