The Darkness Within a Star - Chapter 1

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So I technically had this done last week, but college stuff combined with nitpicking at dialogue choices had me waffling on releasing this. Since you guys are so patient with me, I felt I needed to do something about that. Mind the warnings and enjoy~

Chapter Warnings: Depression, attempted suicide


"Oh, Palette said he was going into the woods," Dream said, standing in the doorway leading into the house he shared with his son.

"The ones past the backyard?" Goth clarified from his position on the front stoop, receiving a nod from Palette's mom, "Huh, he doesn't usually go in there by himself."

Dream chuckled, "Maybe he's planning a surprise or something in there. You know how he is when he gets an idea in his head. Anyway, have fun and stay safe."

Goth hopped down the steps as the older skeleton shut the door, rounding the house and heading toward the backyard and the woods that ran along the edges. Ducking under a low-hanging branch hiding the beginnings of the path, he began his trek through the trees and underbrush.

It's been years since we came back here. I'd imagine a lot has changed since then. I wonder if the hill at the edge still has that pretty view.

Coming across a small, slightly overgrown clearing with a few rotting logs strewn about, he couldn't help but smile at the memories it invoked.

Palette and Goth had spent a solid week using Ink's tools to hack through and clear out the foliage, making this clearing into a secret meeting place of sorts back when they first started exploring these woods. It was only a few feet from the edge of the woods and Palette's parents still knew where the pair was whenever they met there, but it was still considered a secret place nonetheless.

They would meet up during the hot summer days, sitting on the fallen logs to plan out their adventures for the day. Some days they would go to the pool, others had water gun fights, many were simply swapping stories and telling jokes.

As time went on they slowly expanded their clearing, having sleepovers under the stars as they talked about their grand schemes of building an actual clubhouse there. Walls, a roof, ladders, actual chairs and a table... an elaborate secret base they could call their own. Palette was always a monster full of big ideas and plenty of passion.

Of course, the plan slowly faded as they grew older and their minds began to drift toward more important, realistic endeavors. Even if the pair stuck together, the clearing and the clubhouse they envisioned were slowly forgotten in the wake of new goals.

Goth ran his hand along one of the dead trees. Some of the bark flecked off as he skimmed his fingers across it.

Those were fun times. I wish they could've gone on forever. Being older is hard.

Reluctantly leaving the overgrown clearing behind, Goth headed deeper into the woods following what used to be a worn trail. It was barely visible now, but the hooded monster had walked it enough in the past to pick out the twists and turns without getting lost. Months of playing explorer in these woods assured that both skeletons knew these woods like the back of their hands.

I wonder if Palette actually has something planned? He wasn't at the clearing... maybe he decided to make a new meeting area? I wonder if it's that hill? It's been years since even we talked about the club, though. Why would he do anything now? Is he trying to surprise me like Dream said?

I'd say yes normally, but I didn't say anything about hanging out today. I came over because I happened to finish my homework earlier than I anticipated. It's also a school night. He wouldn't be expecting me to show up, so a surprise wouldn't make sense...

He might not even be out here for anything related to the club. He could be out here simply to enjoy the quiet... but that's more along the lines of something I would do. Whatever, I'll ask him when I find him.

Breaking through the treeline, Goth stepped out onto a grassy hill overlooking a sea of trees below a steep cliff.

The sun had started drifting downward, blanketing the sky in a cascade of yellow, orange, and pink as it set for the evening. Crickets could be heard chirping in the forest below, singing their farewell to daylight as evening approached.

The skeleton noticed a figure bathed in golden light standing near the cliff. His friend, and secret crush, Palette.

Goth opened his mouth to call out but paused as he took in the ominous atmosphere and Palette's odd body language. He was... just standing there, not doing anything in particular. His shoulders were slumped, his arms dangling at his sides, and his hands limp. Rather than staring out at the scenery, his skull was tilted... down.

Goth suddenly felt like he was in one of those horror movies, playing the role of the hapless victim. "Palette?" the small monster called out warily, taking a small step forward. The taller flinched slightly, turning to look at his companion.

Goth felt his soul drop, thoughtlessly breaking into a run.


Palette turned back to the cliff.

No.. please...

Palette took a step forward.



Word Count: 847

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