Eternal Vow - Chapter 9

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Chapter Warning: Violence


"Goodnight, Palette," Goth called out as his servant reached for the door handle.

He wasn't sure if he was imagining the false cheer in the taller's smile as they replied, "Night, pleasant dreams," and slipped out the door without another word. Goth hugged his pajamas closer to his chest in disquiet.

Was it him or did it feel like Palette was becoming more distant lately?

The vampire flopped backward onto the bed, going over the past week as he stared up at the ceiling; about Daria and their attempts to become closer as their wedding day approached. Daria was a sweet girl, she was beautiful, and he was sure she would make a good wife... but even on the eve of the ceremony, he couldn't bring himself to say he loved her.

It felt silly to have second thoughts now; the whole reason he had agreed in the first place was to stifle his feelings for Palette... but if anything, his attempts only seemed to make his feelings for the skeleton stand out more when compared to his lack of reaction toward Daria. He could also tell his servant's usually bright demeanor had taken a nosedive, and asking if something was wrong only got him vague reassurances and feigned smiles.

He had a feeling Daria's presence had something to do with it.

Their interactions now were purely that of a servant and master; exactly what he thought he wanted... but Goth didn't want this. Never mind being denied the ability to pursue his true feelings, the thought of losing his friendship with Palette as well was enough to make him want to break down and cry.

"I can't go through with this," Goth groaned, tossing his nightclothes aside and sliding off the bed. He needed to talk with Daria about calling off the wedding; his soul just wasn't in it. Hopefully, she would understand.

Exiting his room into the silent hallway, he crossed over to the guest wing and found the door to Daria's room. Taking a deep breath, he wrapped his knuckles against the door and waited. After a few seconds of silence, he knocked again.

"Oh, are you looking for Lady Daria?"

Goth looked down the hall to one of the female servants carrying a bundle of clothes. With a sheepish expression, he responded, "Yes, though it seems she's out at the moment. Would you happen to know where?"

Pursing her lips in thought, the servant said, "I believe she and Lord Arnest headed out; they looked to be headed down the main strip."

"Thank you, I'll head that way and ask around," Goth thanked her, taking off down the stairs and out the door. On the way, he asked more residents about Daria and her father, being directed until he came to the meeting hall.

As he walked down the corridor, he rehearsed what he would say. He would apologize and tell her he couldn't go through with a marriage where he felt no love; that it wouldn't be fair to either of them and she deserved better. He would request to maintain a friendship with her and form an alliance some other way if that was still possible.

It was likely he would be slapped and chastised for backing out last minute, but he was prepared for that.

Seeing one of the meeting room doors was closed, Goth assumed that was the room his soon-to-be ex-fiancée and her father were in. Reaching up to knock on the door, he lowered his hand upon hearing Daria cry out, "I cannot do this!"

Leaning closer, Goth listened in.

"Keep your voice down," Lord Arnest hissed, "You can and you will. We discussed this."

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