She Used to Be Mine [Archie x Reader x Maxie]

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I will not lie. I hate these two. They have to be the most incompetent and least thought out antagonists in Pokemon History. At least Team Flare had a leader that redeemed them, but Team Aqua And Team Magama just Don't have a good motive and they have so many plot holes! But, a request is a request. For I1dont. Here we go.

Archie looked out to the ocean. He made a lot of bad decisions in his lifetime. Team Aqua wasn't even the source of most of the heartache in his life. He lost his family, he lost his dignity, he lost friends, he lost motivation. But above all else, above all the things that has happened to him, he lost his first wife.

She's imperfect, but she tries. She is good, but she lies. She is hard on herself. She is broken and won't ask for help. She is messy, but she's kind. She is lonely most of the time. She is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie. She is gone, but she used to be his. Who was she? Well, she was you.

 But Archie wasn't your first relationship. Miles and miles away Maxie stands over the volcano thoughtfully. He also has a lot of regrets flowing through his mind. He also lost everything. But unlike Archie, he lost everything before he formed Team Magma. He lost his parents as they drowned, he lost his friends after he became reclusive and cold in grief, then his fiancé... oh did Maxie miss his first fiancé.

She's imperfect, but she tries. She is good, but she lies. She is hard on herself. She is broken and won't ask for help. She is messy, but she's kind. She is lonely most of the time. She is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie. She is gone, but she used to be his. Who was she? Well, she was you.

Where you were? That was no mystery. You were part of the Hoenn protection program. You fought against both Team Magma and Team Aqua. You caught against both Archie and you caught against Maxie. The question is: why? Why would you go against two men you loved with all of your heart?

The answer was simple. They were both incompetent. Maxie used vengeance and it clouded his vision. His grief and past experiences swayed him to mix fact and opinion. He was wrong. He had no personality after that. Maxie became emotionless. He stopped caring. Then he formed Team Magma. You wanted no part of his vengeance, so you ended your engagement to him.

You moved to where he would never want to go and met a man named Archie. You were in love again and got married quick. So quick you hardly realized how quick it was. He then heard of Maxie and Team Magma. He wanted to stop him with such a persistence. His determination led to his downfall and the formation of Team Aqua. Team Aqua became parallel to Team Magma. Both were the same. You left Archie after he made Team Aqua.

You used to be theirs. Key words used to be. Now you lived alone, but not quite alone. You had your Pokémon and friends with you by your side. You lived your happily ever after. It was a shame Maxie and Archie couldn't live theirs.

Bleh. Horrible. See? I'm garbage at writing!


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