Who Cares? [Kiawe x Overweight!Reader]

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Sorry for being such a priss, being lazy, and being selfish. This was a simple request! Who am to to refuse!? So go follow sailorkitty314 because I done goofed with my incompetence. With that said, it's STORYTIME!!!

Sure, you weren't aexactly the perfect girl for a Bikini Body. You didn't exactly have abs and a skinny frame. But who cares about that, right? All that matters is that you accept yourself and you love yourself. Isn't that the  ost important thing here? Self love? Yeah, it is. And you love yourself.

But there was also someone less you love. His name was Kiawe and he was one of the Akala Tiral Captains. More specifically, the Fire Type specialist of Alola. He was hot and awesome and he you could just gush about him for a bunch of paragraphs but I don't want to seem like I'm just desperately trying to fill up the word count for it to be acceptable. Oh wait, I'm doing that right now aren't I? Sorry guys.

So you thought you would Try and talk to him! Wow, cliché girl never talks to her crush before. Well you had a reason!  He was popular and busy! You decided to do the island challenge to get to him. You had to go to meleemelee island first because you needed to get the little thing and got that island out of the way. Now you're back in Akala and ready to rumble!

With Litten at your side, you climbed to the top to meet Kiawe. You had to prevent yourself from fangirling when seeing him. Okay come on guys! He'a always shirtless! And he was dancing! He stopped when he saw you, hopping down from the little makeshift stage on the volcanoe.

"You must be here for the island challenge."

He stated in that dreamy voice of his. You smiled and nodded, Litten Meowing st your side. Kiawe looked down at Litten, surprised it wasn't a Torracat yet. Most challengers that choose Litten have a Torracat by now. Kiawe has doubts in you as a trainer, but whatever. He had to challenge the trial goers.

"Alright, the Marowak are going to perform a dance. At the end of each, you will tell me what's different."

You nodded, eager to start the challenge. You stood a little bit close to Kiawe happily. You've always wanted to be this close to the trial captain! On the flip side, Kiawe was uncomfortable. Not just a little, but a whole lot. See, he gets fangirls all the time but you were a special case. You just looked.... unhealthy. He glanced down at Litten, who was happily licking his paws. He wished he could feel blissful like the Litten just then.

Time Skip after the challenge

"You've won, congratulations."

Normally Kiawe would offer the trial tower the ride page for Charizard, but he was afraid of Charizard getting hurt so he purposefully forgot. He didn't want to be rude! Not that at all! But Charizard wasn't exactly able to carry more than a hundred fifty pounds at a time. What Kiawe could give you he took out of his pocket and handed it to you, careful not to brush your hand. He didn't want any more awkwardness.

"This is a Fire Type Z Crystal. With it, you can use Fire Type Z Moves. Do you know the dance?"

What kind of girl with a crush doesn't know the fire type z move dance from Kiawe!? You did it to prove him and Kiawe just nodded, keeping that sort of strained smile on his face. You then went up to him and hugged him. You just really wanted to hug him. He tried to wrap his arms around you, but it was hard.

"Thanks Kiawe! You're the best!"

You reached up and gave him a peck on the cheek before blissfully leaving. Again, who cares what you look like? As long as you love yourself that is comeoltely fine! Litten was following you happily. Litten loves you too! More proof that size and beautify doesn't really matter!

Back at Kiawe he grabbed a wetwipe and started scrubbing his cheek with a scowl on his face. He really needed a shower. You were so sweaty! He hated it when people hug him without warning. Let alone when someone kisses him without him knowing them! At least normal fangirls ask before they kiss his cheek or hand or whatever.

Kiawe hoped he never had to see you again.

Wow, that was a complete mess up of weirdness. I'm sorry for my terrible writing and I'm sorry for not making it romantic!


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