Set Up Part Two [Cilan x Reader]

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Requested again by I1dont so yeah. Nothing much else to say except STORYTIME!!!

"So you're alright now? That's a relief."

You and Cilan were sitting on the bench. After that little escapade your OCD kicked in badly. You were calm now, though. But unexpected I tenseness was never good for you. Cilan, the green haired boy, nodded.

"Yeah. I was just chasing Pansage as he ran out of the gym And he led me here."

You understood. Pansage And Lilipup we're both playing with two small children and their Pokemon, which happened to be a Scraggy and a Sandile. They must have been around the Desert Resort before.

"Sounds like quite the ordeal. Do you know why he ran off? Pokemon always have a reason for everything."

Cilan thought back. Yeah, they were talking about their relationships and how his ex, Iris, broke it off with him to be with a girl. Chili is dating Flannery and Cress is dating Lana. Then Chili started teasing him about being single and that's when Pansage bolted for the door. He couldn't figure out why that would cause him to run off though.

"Well, my brother was teasing me and he bolted."

There was no way Cilan was going to say he was single and teased about it by his siblings who weren't single! That's just sad.  You nodded again, trying to now wrap your head around this. That was a tricky one.

"Maybe he couldn't stand his trainer being teased? Well, what were you teased about?"

Greeeeeeeeeeat. Cilan was going to have to come out and say it, huh? That's just sad. He glared over at Pansage, who shrugged and giggled. That devious little monkey was planning this whole awkward scenario, wasn't he? When he gets home that little Pokémon was going to get one big earful from him.

"About me being single."

You paused. You smirked. First of all: YES HE WAS SINGLE! Second of all: That Pansage was probably trying to find a girl worthy for him. Pansage wasn't no mad about the teasing, that monkey was trying to get his trainer a girlfirend! Wow... that's smart! And the sad thing is it would work on you! 10/10 flirting Pansage! 

"Well then, it just seems Pansage was trying to help you out!"

Cilan glared again at Pansage, who went back to playing with the Route 4 twins and their Pokemon. Cilan wanted to be mad, but he couldn't. In the end he just sighed and admitted defeat. Victory was yours, Pansage, do what you will with it.

"That's a relief."

You could definitely tell there was a butt on of sarcasm on that voice. You giggled and reached for his hand. Cilan flinched and looked over at you. You put on your most innocent smile and looked up at him with baby doll eyes. Even though it was a status effect move, you were sure it was super effective.

"Maybe Pansage got you that girlfirend after all."

Smooth (Your name), real smooth.

And that is how you get a boyfriend in this universe.


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