What Are These Feelings? [Cheren x Reader]

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Guess who's back home! This gal! And what better way to start us off than with a request from rainaroxx01!? STORYTIME!

Cheren sighed, slumped in the seat Bianca has offered him. He was useless when it came to these sorts of things. Unfortunately, the only person he was close enough woth to share these feelings with was the ditziest airheaded Blonde our of all the ditzy airhead blondes. No offense to Derpy Hooves or anything.

"So! Cheren! Tell me all about her! You don't have to tell me who, just describe her! What do you love about her? Ooh I'm so excited! Cheren is finally in love!"

Cheren let out another exhale. He looked up at the ceiling, spinning around in the rolling office chair he was given. What exactly did he love about you? What made him go so crazy that he seemed someone to confide these foreign feelings to? Well, he could name of a million. Making those million vocal was the hard part.

"Well, there's nothing like her smile sort of subtle and perfect. So real..."

Cheren smiled softly to himself. Little did he know Bianca was recording this whole thing, just in case. See she knew this girl who absolutely loved Cheren and if they were the same person she would be ecstatic to get this! So she had to figure out who this was and give the audio to them. Bianca isn't just a dumb, klutzy Blonde. She is smart when she wants to be.

"She doesn't know hoe happy I get whenever I see that smile. She never could know how that smile makes me feel."

Cheren looked down, halting the chair from spinning around. He looked down at his hands, which were clasped together. Just remembering what that smile looked like on her face gave him the same butterfrees in his stomach he tried so desperately to conceal. His heartbeat was quickening, yet it was comforting. This had to be what love felt like. Cheren was so glad he could experience this.

"When she's bored she will just start doodling on whatever surface she had. One time while stuck in a waiting room she took out a blue marker and doodled stars on the cuffs of her jeans."

Bianca's face lit up. So far there wasn't much perosnality in Cheren's ramblings. But the two little detail gave Bianca a big old match with her friend who was in love with Cheren! Oh this was going to be a perfect love story and everything was just going to work out so well! Bianca tried to contain her excitement, but her giddiness was too much! Lucky for her Cheren wasn't paying her too much attention. He was in his own world.

"One time I caught her using that same blue marker filling out one of those what kind of guy likes you? Quizzes in a teen magazine."

Okay! That narrows It down! Bianca only knew one girl who hung around Cheren that doodles everywhere, carries a blue marker everywhere, and fills out teen girl magazines! Her name was (Your name) (last name). The perfect match! She was also the girl who had a huge crush on Cheren! Bianca shot up with a loud exclamation.


Cheren snapped out of it, looking up at Bianca quizzically. Was something wrong? Oh no, she figured out exactly who he had these emotions for, hasn't she? That was the only conclusion he was forced to draw here. He felt his cheeks heating up with a blush. Oh, fun fact about blush, it's a shortened word of blood rush. The more you know.


Cheren fell out of th hairs in surprise. In love woth eachother!? Did Bianca just admit she knew you reciprocated these complies emotions called love! Bianca cringed and turned to face Cheren, who was on the ground and holding his heart like he just had a seizure. She giggled cutely.


You would never guess that Bianca would confess for you, but she's exactly who started your relationship for you. Just another thing to thank the great Bianca for.

Gotta love Bianca

Awww, cute. But I wish I could write better. Sorry!


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