Mine [Jealous!Steven Stone x Reader]

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Steven was watching you from across the cafe. You said you wanted to catch up with a few old friends. Two boys and a girl. You said they were your old friends you traveled around Hoenn with, but he didn't like how close they were to you. I mean, come on! That girl was practically grabbing your boobs! Not to mention that guy keeps looking st you with bedroom eyes and the other guy... he was cool. He was probably gay with the way he acted.

Steven took a sip of his latte as he watched the other girl lean on your shoulder with a wide smile and closed eyes. Almost romantically. The other boy, the not gay one, got up and walked around to give you a hug from behind. That happy face of yours just made him even more jealous. The other guy was taking a bunch of pictures on his DexNav.

Seven had enough when they were posing for photos and both of them kissed you on both cheeks. Sure, it may have been innocent but still it made Steven's blood boil. Boil hotter than the coffee in his hand. Steven placed his cup down and stood up, he had enough of this. He put on his happy face and walked over to the table, taking the new empty seat.

"Oh! Hey Steven!"

You cheered happily, greeting your boyfriend to the table. The gay guy took one look at him and looked back at you. He put his hand up so Steven couldn't see and went dayum girl you hit jackpot. You just nodded and mouthed back the words I know. Steven just got even more jealous, staring down the girl and the guy.

"Hello darling, who are they?"

He pointed to both the girl and the guy. The guy stood back up and the girl sat back up nice and straight. Obviously they didn't seem to think all that much of the cheek kisses like he was. Steven was working hard to keep the passive face up. Steven anted nothing more than to take your hand and just leave right now. He doesn't like those two. But the gay guy was cool. He wasn't hitting on his girl.

"Oh! This is Sapphire and this is (you choose the name lol) ! The boy next to you is Ruby."

Steven nodded, understanding. But when Sapphire tried to lean on your shoulder again Steven had just enough of this nonsense. He stood up, walked around, and put his hands on your shoulders. He lifted you up.

"Come on, let's go."

You rose an eyebrow and smirked.

"What? Is Stevie Jealous~?"

Steven scowled to himself.

"Yes, Stevie is Jelaous. Now let's go."

You were surprised that was his answer. Steven picked you up bridal style and left the cafe, leaving your friends behind. His face was in a scowl and he didn't even stop for a second. You sighed and let yourself be carried with your arms crossed. Who knew Steven Stone would be the jealous type?

Lol this was so bad I'm sorry.


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