Stay Strong

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Smile, a way of showing your happy.

Smile, a way of showing gratitude.

Smile, a way to hide the pain.

That's what I do everyday.

I just smile, knowing everything isn't going my way.

I just smile, even though I get bullied.

I just smile, hiding the grief and pain.

It's always smile, I never frown. Yeah,  that's me. I stay so strong when everyone's breaking me down.


Why do I still stay strong?

I forgotten how to cry.

I forgot how to frown.

It's always the same.

I stay strong for May.

I stay strong for New York.

I stay strong for Mr. Stark.

I say strong for Ned, MJ, Liz.

I stay strong for The Avengers.

And lastly I stay strong for myself

If I break, there's nothing else to do but to cry and cry. That's why I forgot how to do that.

And now?  Standing in the highest point and the view of the city was gorgeous.

New York's busy streets, lights flickering, the sun setting. It was a sight to behold.

I don't know when, how or what, made me cry.

So vulnerable against the world.

It's just that, everything I do feels so wrong to people.

Maybe it is time.

Time to stop pretending that everything will work out for me.

Stop pretending to be a hero.

As I took my mask off, I forgot that years were still running down my face.

I've never cried this hard, no, never.

I looked around and saw the light sky, painted with black, the night was taking over. Stars glimmering in their shine. The moon glistening over the city.

It just made me cry harder.

The city shined with such blind light that even I can't avoid to see.

But for now?  I stop being a superhero, and start reliving the life I had before. All the best and worst happenings, May and I watching movies in the couch huddled up.

I just realized how life would be able to be better to stay strong.

I put my mask on and immediately Karen spoke to me. "Are you alright Peter? Would you like me to call someone? You seem to be-"

"Karen Mute." And with that my AI shut up and I swung my way back to the tower.

I was staying there when May was in Korea.

As I arrived. I received pity glances.

I took on my mask and knew what happened.

It was just to obvious.

"Peter." Mr. Stark Started.

I just smiled. 

"I know, I know Mr. Stark." I answered

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